关注: 16 贴子: 28

  • 目录:
  • 学校话题
  • 9
    拉格666 12-28
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    英语刷题有用吗 “刷题”是什么意思?词典上没有这个词。网上查了下,有以下解释: 1、刷题:题海战术不停地做题。 2、刷题是一种在短时间内快速接触大量题目,用尽量短的时间弄懂题目和答案以及解答的方法,它侧重于题目的数量而不是完成的质量。 3、还有一个似乎比较靠谱的解释: 刷题就是通过大量做习题来掌握知识重点,使其能够在最短的时间内掌握考试的题型、知识重点、理清思路,以达到考试高分的办法。是目前中国应试教育中,
    拉格666 12-28
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    经核实吧主johnnyvcn 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 英语刷题吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
  • 1
    1) Can she play any ________? a) instrument b) organ 2) I won't buy it at that _______. It's too high. a) value b) price c) cost d) face value 3) The bride wore a long cream-colored gown, and the groom's _______ was dark green. a) dress b) suit 4) The _______ of fixing this old car is so high that I may just buy a new one instead. a) price b) value c) face value d) cost 5) I don't know anyone there. Why would I want to party with _______. a) foreigners b) guests c) strangers 6) They bought the stocks at half their _______ and made a lot of money within weeks. a) price b) value
    Calwxy 12-31
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    131) He was so shaken that he ______ the whole glass of whiskey at once. a) drank b) drank up 132) I ________ you; we should reconsider the trip. a) accept b) agree with c) agree to 133) It took some effort, but now I ________ how to change a tire in my car. a) realize b) know c) learn d) find out 134) Hold onto the corners of this sheet, and then ________ when I tell you. a) leave b) let go 135) Andrea ________ her college professor and rewrote part of her thesis. a) listened to b) heard 136) I can't ______ your apology because I know you don't really mean it. a) accept b) agree 137)
    Calwxy 12-31
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    1) I thought I ______ be late. a) would b) should 2) I want to ________ in London. a) learn b) study 3) I ______ be there around four. a) shall b) will 4) ______! We have to go! a) Drink b) Drink up 5) ________ you like me to go now? a) Do b) Would 6) ______ the door, please. a) Shut up b) Shut 7) Don't ever _______ me again! a) leave b) let 8) Do you ________ going to school? a) like b) want 9) I want to _______ you for the support you gave us during these trying months. a) please b) thank c) ask 10) It had been raining for a week and the river _______ faster than usual. a) flowed b) fled
    学卓君 12-31
  • 0
    学卓君 12-29

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