0经核实吧主liangliang_sai 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 liangliang_sai吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
1药师寺凉子 夏目友人帐 致命紫罗兰 编号044(12 魔法使的注意事项REVOLUTION(12 稻草男 西洋古董洋果子店(12 向阳素描X365(14 强袭魔女(12 无限之住人 铁腕女刑警(13
0寒暑假期间、周六全天 招收济南地区古筝学员 本人已通过古筝十级考试,并获得中国民族管弦乐学会颁发的 古筝考级指导教师 高级教师资格证 已有两年教学经验,具有良好的沟通引导能力和教学水平 教学方式、时间、地点、学费等细节可面议 有意者联系 13608935627 李老师
0老师:好,你为什么翘课? 好:我翘课需要你同意吗? 老师:老师家长都说了几遍了啊,要做个乖学生,好好学习,天天向上,不打架不骂人不吸烟不喝酒不赌博……还有不翘课,日常行为规范你是怎么背的啊,老师看你成绩也不赖,你怎么可以这样呢?随便翘课是差生的行为,做为一个品学兼优的学生,老师想你应该懂得老师的意思吧!老师是指你以后别随便翘课啊,懂不懂?真的不懂假的不懂?你真的懂了吗?你是不是懂了?你难道真的懂了
0若是人生如同初见,该多美。 我们总无法忘记最初时候彼此站立的位置,不经意间微笑的表情,还有阳光与阴影打磨出侧脸的完美弧度,微微漠然夹杂好奇的眼神,原来,我们记得这样清楚,那些急促而生动的片段,被时间打磨的更加唯美。是,因为已经变得如此遥远,所以我们可以尽情想象,人生若只如初见,该多好?没有七年之痒,没有喜新厌旧,没有世俗与名利的挑战,没有分手时决裂或者淡漠的表情,在我们微薄的记忆里只有最初见面的微
0- -
0华丽丽地飘过~~ .......飘过 ......飘过 .....飘过 ....飘过 ...飘过 ..飘过 .飘过 .飘过 .飘过 ..飘过 ...飘过 ....飘过 .....飘过 ......飘过 .......飘过 ......飘过 .....飘过 ....飘过 ...飘过 ..飘过 .飘过 .飘过 .飘过 ..飘过 ...飘过 ....飘过 .....飘过 ......飘过 .......飘过 ......飘过 .....飘过 ....飘过 ...飘过 ..飘过 .飘过 .飘过 .飘过 ..飘过 ...飘过 ....飘过 .....飘过 ......飘过 .......飘过 ......飘过 .....飘过 ....飘过 ...飘过 ..飘过 .飘过 .飘
0My grades are down from A's to D's I'm way behind in history I lost myself in fantasies Of you and me together I don't know why - I - I but dreaming's all I do I won't get by-I-I on mere imagination Upside down Bouncing off the ceiling Inside out Stranger to this feeling Got no clue what I should do But I'll go crazy if I can't get next to you My teacher says to concentrate So what- his name was Peter the Great The kings and queens will have to wait Cuz I don't have forever I wish that I - I - I could walk right up to you Each time I try- I-I the same old hesitation
0When i said go i never meant away You ought to know the freaky games we play Could you forgive and learn how to forget Hear me as i'm calling out your name Firefly come back to me Make the night as bright as day I'll be looking out for you Tell me that you`re lonely too Firefly come lead me on Follow you into the sun That's the way it ought to be Firefly come back to me You and me We shared a mistery We were so close Like honey to the bee And if you tell me how to make you understand Firefly come back to me Make the night as bright as day I'll be loo
0Hey Mr. DJ, in case you forgot I came to get down So you better make it hot Cause I can't jump around when I hear groove killers When I'm out sitting down, it's a clear time stealer Give me a track with a phat kind of beat A groove so unique that it kicks me off my seat Cause I won't find a mood with a new spine chiller When the crowd hits the room, it's a true crowd thiller Freeze, better make it hot Music please, blow the spot Play that funky music That is how we want it Floorfiller A Teens That is how we need it Floorfiller Something's outta order, people in
0浏阳河两只手弹流水 “浏阳河”,老师只是把倒琶音部分给我练习手指,到现在有五个月了,我还在练习中。当时我老师是这么给我讲的: 先很慢很慢地练习,手放好,一个音一个音地弹,慢速地弹熟,力度平均,手放松自然,这个时候不用想主旋律的事,因为会影响琶音的平均与颗粒性。然后再一点一点儿地加快速度(比如说1/4,1/3地加快,而非突然快一倍),弹到比较快速清晰自然的时候,可以强调右手的第一个音(但不要太刻意强调),心中
1:& # 9 8 2 5(注意6个符号的中间不要空格!)
2歌手:Donna Lewis[当娜.刘易斯] I could be your sea of sand I could be your warmth of desire I could be your prayer of hope I could be your gift to everyday I could be your tide of heaven I could be a hint of what’s to come I could be ordinary I could be the one I could be your blue eyed angel I could be the storm before the calm I could be your secret pleasure I could be your well wishing well I could be your breath of life I could be your European dream I could be ordinary I could be the one Now I would lie here in the darkness Now I would lie h
8liangliang_sai 啊liangliang_sai liangliang_sai 啊liangliang_sai
0http://donghuapian.cn...2BThe%2BSun.mp3 Believe The Truth I carry a Magnus Everywhere i go Over the border and back to the snow So if you see me So if you see me and i look right (inaudible) you should not take it as a reflection on you come on turn up the sun come on turn up the sun turn it up for everyone Love one and other Love one and other The boys in the bubble The boys in the bubble wanna be free they got so blind that they cannot see Well i'm not your keeper Well i'm not your keeper i dont have your key I got a piano But i cant find the ccome on turn up
0http://cimg3.163.com...ourheartout.mp3 Hold up Hold on Don't be scared You'll never change what's been and gone May your smile (may your smile) Shine on (shine on) Don't be scared (don't be scared) Your destiny may keep you warm Cos all of the stars Are fading away Just try not to worry You'll see them some day Take what you need And be on your way And stop crying your heart out Get up (get up) Come on (come on) Why're you scared? (I'm not scared) You'll never change What's been and gone Cos all of the stars Are fading away Just try not to worry You'll see them so
0怎么有人比我还快- -