0这则消息已经登在官方网站http://www.nicklachey.com上了.根据http://nickfanatic.com上7月9号更新的消息,What's Left Of Me专辑已在全美创下407392张的销量(最新更新为417506张),已荣获金唱片认定.Nick还将发行专辑中的第2支单曲I Can't Hate You Anymore. 为配合新专辑的宣传,Nick还将开展一系列的巡回演出,具体安排如下: 9/20 - Albany, NY @ Palace Theatre 9/21 - Syracuse, NY @ Landmark Theatre 9/22 - Mashantucket, CT @ Foxwoods Casino 9/24 - Detroit, MI @ Opera House 9/25 - Toronto, ON @ Kool Haus 9/27 - Cincinnati, OH @ Taft T
0Full Name: Nicholas Scott Lachey Sign: Scorpio Birthday: November 9, 1973 Birthplace: Harlan, Kentucky Height: 5' 10" or 177.8 cm Eyes Color: Blue Hair Color: Brown Parents: Cate Fopma-Leimbach and John Lachey Siblings: Drew Lachey (Brother), Josie (Step-sister), Issac (half-brother), Zac and Timothy (adopted brothers), Kaitlin and Sally (adopted sisters) Wife / Ex-Wife: Jessica Ann Simpson (October 26, 2002 to Summer 2006) Schools Attended in the past to present: - School for Creative and Performing Arts (Cincinnati, Ohio) - Studied acting in University of Southern California (Los Angeles, Ca