2中国女优Tyung Lee
17这个标志我想很多人看到它都会很激动,这个城市代表了太多梦想和现实的交汇,产生出了太多的魅力时光。这些年,中国女星逐渐被世界所重视,她们的光芒逐渐绽放,让这个世界看到大气的东方美,而且演绎的角色也慢慢从单一的女打星走向个多元化的角色尝试。现在说说中国十大女星闯好莱坞吧~ 巩俐 巩俐是典型的气场夺人,凭借《红高粱》、《菊豆》、《大红灯笼高高挂》等影片,被西方影视圈所熟知,一度成为中国内地
0日前,女星黄圣依在微博中发出豪迈感言,称自己不会再接拍烂戏,不想“再被小三”,只想做一个有佳作的演员。黄圣依的微博感言得到了众多台湾女星的支持,伊能静,徐若瑄和舒淇都先后在微博中表示支持黄圣依,希望她能走出自己的演艺之路。 徐若瑄鼓励她,好的坏的都会过去,时间不等人,乐观正面向前走 经一事长一智,加油。 舒淇也说,何需在乎,做自己爱自己,加油。 伊能静也表示赞赏,称其有骨气,有志气,祝福小美人大步走向
20这一周,中国女星踏入了 戛纳时间。范冰冰,李冰冰,汤唯,巩俐,袁莉,李小冉等中国女星在戛纳红毯上充分展现了中国美,其中以范冰冰,汤唯以及李冰冰为甚。范冰冰以中国风的仙鹤装打响了第一炮,并接连以六七套极美的礼服走上红毯,赢得国际时尚界的好评,在国际红毯的专业网站及杂志媒体上赢得了好评。李冰冰同样光彩照人,可惜没有中式礼服,不过身为华谊一姐的她,还是在国际的红毯上展现了自己的气势,给人一种大气,端庄之
0This small movie has not had a wide release yet, though it won several accolades at the Shanghai Film Festival. It is about a mountain village caught between the need to protect the eco-system with its black bears and the yearning for a better life. Using locals who had barely seen a movie and an ethnic language not even understood by the director, the movie has an authenticity and also a lyrical beauty rarely seen in a message film.
0This is social realism at its most critical, the kind of movie enshrined in Chinese textbooks yet rarely seen on the big screen. This sharp criticism of China's pharmaceuticals industry, which churns out so many products you'd wonder if there is any testing or inspection, is built on a series of twists and turns that's melodramatic on the surface yet hint at inner truth. A worthy follower of Julia Roberts' Erin Brokovich or Russell Crowe's The Insider, Vegetate falls short on casting and the absence of star power hinders its box-office performance.
0Detective Dee and the Mystery of the Phantom Flame
0This is not a theatrical release, but an online feature made by maneuvering visual elements in games, but with an original storyline and dialogue dubbed by people all over the Net. But the movie is more than a technical feat. It gives voice to a huge swath of the online population whose frustrations at being cut off from their favorite online game has come to exemplify an age of angst and anger. The climax scene is so heartfelt it has the effect of a bolt of thunder.
0This little comedy could have been inspired by Planes, Trains and Automobiles, a Steve Martin laugh fest about the trials and tribulations o
0This intimate story of a Hong Kong family struggling through the 1960s and 70s is a microcosm of the British colony and its Chinese inhabita
0Pang Ho-Cheung captures the urban vibe in this quietly observant study of modern dating. The free-flowing plot is a reflection of a new gene
11中国日报对外宣传中国演员的排名: 【中国日报】按电影、奖励、广告、曝光率、杂志封面等重要指标,综合衡量2010年中国女演员的排名和普及影响力:周迅
0韩国人爱汤唯、日本人爱章子怡、中国人爱范冰冰 谁能成为“三国混血”杨贵妃 中国编剧写故事,韩国导演执导,中日韩三国公司联合投资,昨天,
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