0风起雁南下 景萧萧 落黄沙 独坐沏壶茶 沏成一夜 灯下 你在 几里外 的人家 想着他 一针一线 绣着花 晨霜攀黛瓦 抖落霜 冷了茶 抚琴欲对话 欲问琴声 初落下 弦外 思念透窗花 而你却什么也不回答 琴弦断了 缘尽了 你也走了 爱恨起落 故事经过 只留下我 几番离愁 世事参透 都入酒 问你是否 心不在这 少了什么 琴弦断了 缘已尽了 你也走了 你是过客 温柔到这 沉默了 拱桥斜坡 水岸码头 谁记得 渡江扁舟 我伤依旧 临行回头 远方谁挥手 古刹山岚绕 雾散后
36一少一微笑,一 步一伤心,一少一劫灰, 尽管回忆再悲伤,我却笑着,不愿追忘。 我不相信正,不相信邪,不相信幸福。 可是,我相信你。
27如一股风 偶然飘来 三秒间的短暂接吻 如雨点 偶然滴下 话筒另一边的笑声 啊~~~~~啊~~~~~~ 如一股风 偶然飘来 充满后悔我的心 自己受伤的傻瓜 话筒另一边的沉默 请给我看你的内心 请告诉我你的秘密 请把那份爱给我看 那个真心对我很重要 啊~~~~~啊~~~~~~ 啊~~~~~啊~~~~~~
00http://bns.duowan.com/1407/269020204391.html 故事喜欢。391L 不给看·10失去繁星的天空 黑得像墨 灵魂的火焰 在风暴中闲躲 恐惧从悬崖 一步步逼迫 你张开手 接住我的坠落 当生命里照进你的爱 像一道温柔曙光 等待破晓后 黑暗被赶走 希望紧握在我们渺小的手 对抗残酷绝望勇气的背后 你是拼尽一切 我都要守护的所有 爱 带领我们穿越战场 眼泪盛开最美的感动 陨石撞碎倔强 你遍体鳞伤 水晶 的光芒 从裂缝被释放 撒在沙漠蛮荒 无声息的成长 当你把绚烂 种回我的眼眶 不放弃的心汹涌跳动 爱像野兽疯狂怒吼 等待破晓后4巨大的铁护手击碎了冰盾,凌风锋利的眼神投了进来,;连同着致命地一击. 顿时天旋地转.魔月雪被狠狠地摔到了地上. "冰凌即使有再尖锐再冷峻的棱角 它的本质依然是水" 天醉缓缓地走过来,看着受伤的魔月雪. "你....居然...居然会改变容貌...." 魔月雪咳出一口血. "真卑鄙...." 天醉笑着摇摇头, "她不会的,只是她本来就是虚无的." 夏殇的面容开始模糊.消散在空气中. "原来是幻像......" 魔月雪连笑都显得吃力."这就是你的傀儡魔法么..." "她的真身,正在某个地1180当当当8Longing for you day and in dream I'm hoping you are here and leading my way You steers my road anytime I need If you walk away, I will follow you Trying my love With your secret gifts you gave to me I won't vain and succeed it as your precious soul Holding your hand And I'm walking through the all of the world Carrying your wish like the Venus in the deep in sky16剑士刺客听说被削弱,每天听奇葩说刺客有多悲剧多凄凉。但是御剑回来edo估计要回归。 气功变成大炮了42煎饼果子来一套11找不到华语翻译歌词。 歌名:sayonara usotsuki 唱:MimimemeMIMI If the world was to throw away time Would everyone laugh or cry? What if the world had a goal, Of everything meeting and turning into happiness? To protect the me I want to protect I created a fake from a mirror and my heart Is just acting strong, I just want a reason This is no good, because at this rate I won't change The future is just full of unobtainable things To be hurt, to have gotten hurt and to be broken many times Struggling regardless avoiding feelings that can't be thrown away Goodbye to the crying liar's hea9额额额额额额额额额恶咯咯27一了百了4自己怕人家说不陪她玩,说的可怜兮兮得。 一起副本,一样衣服截图个,下一秒就换一个和你不一样的。 聊天,一副高傲冷,爱理不理,仿佛忘记那天半夜说谁害怕融入不了圈子,怕你们不和我一起玩的那句话,给吃了。 女人,真可怕。8网速就是一硬伤,怎样拼命打,黑暗到三十万就狂暴了。好累。35陪伴是最长情的告白18899+1=022We broke Everything that was right We both enjoyed a good fight And we solved All the holes we had to breathe To make the other one leave And I loved the way you looked at me And I miss the way you made me feel When we were alone When we were alone And I'll shiver like I used to And I'll leave him just for you And I'll shiver like I used to Just for you And we stole Every moment we had to make the other one feel bad And we hoped that we could be what we knew We'd never turn out to be real And I loved the way you looked at me And I miss the way you made me feel When we were alone When we were a000143抓住云端的彩虹 总在将要触碰时消散 错觉的地久天长 其实是一无所有 童话说雨后会有一道彩虹 却不曾说过它也会转瞬长空 想要把绚烂紧紧握在手中 忽然发现你已不见 站无尽红尘中 仰望曾有你的苍穹 得到以后转眼又落空 究竟什么是永恒 都无法拥有完整 ohmylove 我看见希望闪耀彩虹之间 光芒凝结与你我的那片天 不再追问你为何不能停留 微笑看见爱的浮现 雨后的天空中有出现彩虹 天使的安慰亲吻这世界完整 不再追问你为何不能停留 放下了执念微24artRtRt1AAAA啊啊啊啊啊啊啊116Call your name Music:Hiroyuki Sawano Vocal:mpi & CASG (Caramel Apple Sound Gadget) She lost her brother a month ago His picture on the w2吧主我来当了0老是一样的帖子0这又是第几帖了