1Boys in Kaleidosphere / 少年梦游万花筒气圈 Hydrangeas are calling my name Bring me to a garden I've never seen There I heard your sirens sing Filled me with a feeling I've never known Staring into my head Your eyes are like kaleidoscope 绣球花丛呼唤着我的名字 将我引至未曾涉足的花园 我听见海妖们的歌唱 奇妙的情感溢满心房 凝视着我的你的眼眸 就如同万花筒般璀璨 After everyone leaves You take the seat next to me quietly This pounding in my heart feels like kaleidoscope 当所有人离开后 你悄悄在我的身旁坐下 心
0Fossil / 化石 Suck on the earth's breasts Like a child you quiver and shudder Wiping your tears onto my skin You pushed down my wings and cut it deep Digged out my flesh Swallowed it up in whole 你汲取着大地的滋养 如孩童一般微微颤抖 将泪挥洒在我的肌肤上 你推倒我的双翼 刻下深深的伤痕 又剖开我的躯体 取我的血肉 一饮而尽 You took me to heaven Dropped me down again Crunched me up into a donut Swallowed it up in whole 你曾带我领略天堂光景 却又把我抛至九霄云外 将我捣成甜甜圈的形状 再度一咽而尽 I though
0sorrow fades like a shooting star 忧伤似流星 消褪影无踪 somebody's sleeping, death row is creeping 有人沉沉睡去 死囚室内躁动不安 is my turn next, tomorrow feeds on our dearest scars 接下来就轮到我了 white sheets are reeking, needles are leaking 洁白床单气味刺鼻 针管漏出点点药液 I should've known that 我本应知晓 love was supposed to be silly, gross and pitiful 爱情愚蠢下流且可鄙 love was supposed to be dizzy, close and miserable but 它冲昏人的头脑 亲密之中险象环生 I see you. 但我看见了你 love was a game y
19原来小硝子是怕我麻烦么?233 谢谢关心,我很高兴不过我还没傻到宁可每次都输验证码也不点关注的程度。