8来自于微博@小龙的音乐房 二楼地址
61首先我给大家道歉。身为藤田惠美吧。 吧主没有管理好这个贴吧是我失去责任。 2013年我有更多时间来管理好贴吧。 大家那么喜欢她。希望每天在签到地方小小点个到。 让她的排名上前。感谢大家了。
132013年来了。 藤田惠美吧人员超级少。 需要各种有能力的人来管理好该贴吧。 需要一个跟我常联系的大吧主。 小吧主诺干。 图片视频编辑诺干。 希望大家能加入藤田惠美吧的管理。
32藤田惠美,英文名EmiFujita , 如果有留意日本艺能界和熟悉日文歌曲的朋友,肯定对她不陌生。1991年藤田惠美与丈夫组成“Le Couple”组合,并唱红了日剧《同一屋檐下》里的插曲《温暖的诗句》,奠定了其美声歌后的地位。
79历经几个月,终于找到大水管上传了,包含 @(2003)Camomile Extra (include blend all,意思就是包含挪威甘菊的全部歌,还多了附送的三首); @(2005)Camomile.Blend2; @(2006)Camomile.Classics; @(2006)Camomile.Plus; @(2006)Rembrandt Sky; @(2007)camomile.Best; @(2008)ココロの食卓~おかえり爱しき诗たち; @(2010)Camomile Smile; @(2011)真实的色彩; 除了04的演唱会和《Rembrandt Sky》的日文专辑基本都齐了,上面也只有《Rembrandt Sky》和《ココロの食卓~おかえり爱しき诗たち》两张专辑没有无损,其他
2如果要藤田惠美 today 的中文歌词,请访问清风绿野的博客:http://breezegarden.blog.hexun.com/
6http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/G7BSeOu6Cpc/ 才找到的` 另外在说说25434871才开的` 惠美的QQ群
49http://reinhardt.yculblog.com/post.2558244.html 这首凯尔特民谣风格的Down By the Salley Garden,如泉水般温暖,如垂柳般轻柔 原诗是我很喜欢的爱尔兰诗人W.B.Yeats写的,虽然相比这首诗,我更喜欢他的那首Innisfree 但这首歌轻灵得如同天籁之音,实在不忍错过 萧饮寒 2007.2.9 Down by the Salley Gardens My love and I did meet She passed the Salley Gardens With little snow-white feet She bid me take love easy As the leaves grow on the tree But I being young and foolish With her did not agree In a field by
36【Father by Thy Hand/Ledsag os Herre ~a cappella~ 】 that's all i wanted something special, something sacred in your eyes for just one moment to be bold and naked at your side sometimes i think that you'll never understand me maybe this time is forever say it can be that's all you wanted something special, someone sacred in your life just for one moment to be warm and naked at my side sometimes i think that you'll never understand me but something tells me together we'd be happy (baby) i will be your father figure (oh baby) put your tiny hand in mine (i'd love to
6我想要藤田恵美~camomile blend~和~Camomile~两只大碟的歌词,请有谁有呢?
6狂搜~好不容易找了几支不常看到的歌词,大家顶啊 有一首怎么也找不到, 麻烦谁有就发上来, 我实在想要啊,是挪威甘菊I中的8.Tir na noir 那么贴上我找到的... Desperado Desperado, why don't you come to your senses? You been out ridin' fences for so long now Oh, you're a hard one I know that you got your reasons These things that are pleasin' you Can hurt you somehow Don't you draw the queen of diamonds, boy She'll beat you if she's able You know the queen of hearts is always your best bet Now it seems to me some fine th
3专辑名称:甘菊金韵演唱会 2004 专辑试听地址:http://www.77ttt.com.cn/musiclist/mmc_5448.htm 专辑简介:Lullaby Of Camomile Live In Singapore Emi Fujita CD 顶尖儿的优美嗓子 超绝靓声的现场演出 藤田惠美 甘菊金韵演唱会2004 15首现场演绎作品 藤田惠美2004年10月17日于新加坡的演唱会实况录音,共收录 15 首现场演唱歌曲有:挪威甘菊第一和第二辑中的经典名曲 - Every Breath You Take/Fields Of Gold/First Of May 及绝妙二人组时期的脍炙人口歌曲“温暖的诗