0经核实吧主alexander_easy 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 alexander_easy吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
2A German man has been ordered to pay Lufthansa 1980 – the equivalent of A$2,875 – for repeatedly visiting Lufthansa's business lounge in Munich without actually flying anywhere. The un-named lounge lizard bought a flexible business class ticket for 745 (A$1,000) to fly with Lufthansa from Munich to Zurich, but never took the one hour journey. Instead, he'd just check in at Munich Airport and then settle into Lufthansa's business lounge to eat and drink his fill. As boarding time approached he'd cancel his flight – without penalty, this being a fully flexible ticket – and rebook for ano
0@lossviva @御坂01688 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjUzMjQ4Nzcy.html?from=y1.2-1-87.3
0膝盖收下 ——来自 诺基亚 Windows Phone
2o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ,好无聊好无聊
169M-MRD B777-2H6ER @御坂01688
10本月30日,武汉直飞莫斯科航班开通首飞。昨日,市长唐良智赴广州会见了南航集团党组书记、南航股份公司总经理谭万庚,双方签署了开通武汉至莫斯科航线协议,并就年内开通武汉至美国旧金山直飞航线达成共识。 武汉莫斯科航线开通后,将在每周三、周五、周日执飞,并于莫斯科当地时间每周三、周五、周日返汉。具体时间表为:武汉下午3时10分起飞,莫斯科时间当晚8时10分抵达;莫斯科时间晚上10时10分起飞,武汉次日上午10时5分抵达。 唐良
349一架E145在长治降落的时候用尽了跑道 冲出跑道尽头 另一家A320在南宁降落的时候降在了滑行道上(听说没有ILS) 幸亏滑行道上当时没飞机 @御坂01688125月起国际航班上 如果坐经济舱 其他航空公司的Elite Plus会员也只能进Delta自营的Skyclub 非自营休息室一概不许进 也就是全亚洲只有NRT @御坂01688 @lossviva3@永远的2181413www.emufans.com6好久不见 别来无恙否?11PC Gamer于2014年5月8日放出消息,KF2已经制作完毕,即将与玩家见面。 消息源:http://www.pcgamer.com/2014/05/08/killing-floor-2-exclusive-firs55I often fly between Houston and Beijing on Air China's nonstop flights 995 and 996. Overall, I like their service. Aircraft's are new and clean. Flight attendants provide good service. The food is not bad as airplane cuisine goes. On a recent flight from Houston to Beijing, we were 2 hours late departing Houston. The aircraft had pushed back more or less on time (shortly after 1am) but then we taxied out into the darkness and just sat. We sat and sat and sat some more. Eventually a tow truck came out, hooked up to the aircraft and pushed it back a few feet. Then the tow truck pulled the aircra9@永远的218 1十陵公交站 2三环路成南立交桥南内侧 3东三环路三段北内侧 4东三环路三段南内侧 5三环路来龙桥内侧 6三环路十陵立交桥北内侧 7三环路十陵立交桥南内侧 8东三环路四段内侧 9三环路成渝立交桥北内侧 10三环路成渝立交桥南内侧 11东三环路五段北内侧 12东三环路五段内侧 13三环路航天立交桥北内侧 14三环路航天立交桥内侧 15三环路航天立交桥南内侧 16南三环路一段内侧 17三环路娇子立交桥北内侧 18三环路娇子立交桥内侧 19三环路娇子立交6去年的数据 三大航国内前十航班量的航线 航空公司 航班量 航空公司 航班量 航空公司 航班量 CZ 490852 MU 411932 CA 277095 北京-广州 3555 北京-上海2劫机的可能性太高了。。。147A330-200和777-20016每周3班 B767-300 @御坂016882@御坂01688420@京沪高铁动车组 还一点也不便宜 宁愿搭十点的红眼航班7214@lossviva @御坂01688 http://item.jd.com/1059163.html