Vcity Public Blockchain Testnet Shocking Launch! Super Nodes Now Open for Recruitment. The Super Node NFT global limited release :November 29th 2PM (UTC+8) Website:
Vcity Public Blockchain Testnet Shocking Launch! Super Nodes Now Open for Recruitment. The Super Node NFT global limited release :November 29th 2PM (UTC+8) Website: 编辑
Immerse yourself in a fantasy realm Explore the virtual space Welcome to VcityMeta Let your dreams shining brightly in the digital world #ZhangXie #Vcity #VcityMeta
Global interconnection Nodes gather power Participate in the construction of Vcity Blockchain nodes Enjoy the rich dividends brought by technological innovation #ZhangXie #Vcity #VcityMeta
Distributed bookkeeping Decentralized management Become a Vcity Blockchain node Make transactions more secure and transparent #谢章##第五城##vcity##vcitymeta##数字藏品#
Distributed bookkeeping Decentralized management Become a Vcity Blockchain node Make transactions more secure and transparent #谢章##第五城##vcity##vcitymeta##数字藏品#