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1【博雅汉语】 博雅汉语 准中级 加速篇 I(第1版)https://www.syjshare.com/res/77UN38KH 博雅汉语 准中级 加速篇 2(第1版)https://www.syjshare.com/res/U0QS7A03 博雅汉语 准中级 加速篇 1(第2版)https://www.syjshare.com/res/NY2U3RP8 博雅汉语 中级 冲刺篇2(第2版)https://www.syjshare.com/res/GJ2M9DA9 博雅汉语 高级 飞翔篇3(第1版)https://www.syjshare.com/res/7S3W82V5 博雅汉语 初级 起步篇 1(第2版)https://www.syjshare.com/res/MXTB41DK 博雅汉语 初级 起步篇 2(第2版)https://www.syjshare.com/res/NZCL9VVM
5朋友给我选了一个很秀气的中名– 魏婕。可是,我觉得自己不是个秀气的女生,并且我要保护我英名的本来的意思。所以,我选了“捷”,因为我的英名是“Victoria”。这个“捷”是从采薇“一月三捷”拿来的。你们觉得怎么样?
48喂, 我的名字是托马斯,我19岁,我在波兰,欧洲生活。我想学习中国语言和在不久的将来,我想访问中国。我希望找人谁都会说中文和英文。 我的电子邮件
0Hi! My friend. Do you want to learn Chinese? I'd like to learn English. We can help each other if you are willing too. I have WeChat gw15018765289
0Hi! My friend. Do you want to learn Chinese? I'd like to learn English. We can help each other if you are willing too. I have account for QQ3261550300 Of course! I have WeChat18376652095
0I have a studio, if you want to learn Chinese can contact, of course, I am also anxious to find friends who can speak English with children, if you live in Fengxian District, you can contact me 135857448444 If you are a girl, that is great, the children will love it! wǒ yǒu gè gōng zuò shì , rú guǒ nǐ xiǎng xué zhōng wén kě yǐ lián xì , dāng rán wǒ yě zài jí qiè xún zhǎo kě yǐ hé xiǎo péng you shuō yīng wén de péng you , rú guǒ nǐ zhù zài fèng xián qū , kě yǐ lián xì wǒ 13585744844 rú guǒ nǐ shì nǚ hái zi , nà zhēn shì tài bà
2Hello, deer foreign friends who are learning Chinese. I am an undergraduate student in Beijing. If you need a Chinese tutor, maybe I can help. I am a cheerful and patient girl with standard Chinese and good English. If I become your tutor, I will prepare my lessons well. If you have any questions, you can ask me at any time. Of course, I am also very happy to make foreign friends who want to learn Chinese! If you love China and want to know more, please add my WeChat jiayouya594666 or QQ1664872158~
9Hi! My friend. Do you want to learn Chinese? I'd like to learn English. We can help each other if you are willing too. I have account for bo
0本人愿当外教 欢迎来信轰炸 前提是零基础
0经核实吧主layjunlotus 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 学中文吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
15前のスレが削除されてるみたいですからもう一回立て直してみます..... ミノルと申します。ただ今、中国语に猛勉强中、中国の方と仲良くなりたい!中国
1Is there anyone who wants to learn Chinese ? I will be glad to teach you Chinese if you are interested , feel free to message me or comment below~😉☺️
3I just started to learn English and I learn really slow(I can understand some sentences in U.S.TV drama /cartoon,but I know nothing about words weaving,and I don't know how to use words .). It's said that more communication can make language studying easier,so IF you're English-speaker( You don't need have to come from a English-speaking country)and you want learn Chinese ,we can learn from each other. Any person regardless of age / gende/ nationality can join the group,All you need is A desire to learn. Please leave a message under the topic so that I can reply you ,
0I am Chinese.i want to teach u chinese or hsk Counseling if u are interested 。please leave u message or contact me.
0我的英语有六级,口语不算差,日常交流没问题,想学中文的外国朋友可以联系我哦,我教你中文😉,feel free to comment below~
0越来越多的老外喜欢来中国生活与工作,这个与目前汉语在不断的发展息息相关。上海汉语培训也是在这个夏天如火如荼的进行着。对于从事汉语工作者的朋友来说,也对于这个行业充满了深深的热情。 7月11日下午,来自吉林省商务厅专家和吉林省电视台的记者来到了儒森教育集团总部上海浦西分校,儒森教育集团董事万校长携上海分校相关部门负责人接待了来访贵宾。 万校长在接待时说道,儒森教育发展于上海,分布在全国包括吉林长春在内的六
0汉语的教学模式采用了多元化教学体系,并且以三位一体的教学资源以支持帮助学生实现高效的中文学习。 多元化教学体系指的是以课前预习、课中教&学、以及课后复习测试为学习闭环的学习体系,其中课前预习是通过自主研发的E-learning平台进行课程预习,以专业化的课件为学习指导进行课程了解; 课中教&学指的是老师教学内容和学生学习内容是统一一致的,无论学习期间是否调换老师,都能通过多元化的教学体系学习到标准化的学习内容
1新华社伦敦2月5日电(记者夏晓)5日晚,英国伦敦大学亚非学院大讲厅里充满欢声笑语,中文系学生在这里上演了一台精彩的春节晚会。 今年的“春晚”由伦敦大学亚非学院中文系和伦敦孔子学院合办。作为最受欢迎的校园节目之一,定于晚上7点开始的晚会,不到6点半所有的座位都已坐满,很多人开始坐在观众席的过道处和表演台前的空地上。 晚会伴随优美的《江南丝竹》演奏曲拉开帷幕,主持人是4名中文系高年级学生,他们