0China-lutong Machinery Works Co., Ltd istauf die Entwicklung, Produktion und den Vertrieb von Ersatzteilen fürDieseleinspritzsysteme spezialisiert. Unser Ziel ist es, erstklassige Produkteherzustellen und ein erstklassiger Hersteller und Lieferant zu werden. Unser Stand Nr. 7.6 Halle S20. In dieserAusstellung werden wir dort die folgenden Produkte ausstellen: Hauptrotor (VE,DPA, DP200, DPS, X.4), Reparatursatz, Kolben (A, AD, P, PN, PS7100). , MW),D.Ventil, Düse (S, SN, SD, PDN, P, PN), Common-Rail-Injektor Vielen Dank für Ihre langjährigeUnterstützung und Ihr Vertrauen in China-Lutong. L
0China Import and Export Exhibition has beenheld twice every year in Guangzhou, also known as the Canton Fair, was foundedin the spring of 1957. a comprehensive international trade event with thelargest number of visitors and the best transaction results. As China's tophigh-quality supplier of diesel engine fuel injection Parts and accessories,China-Lutong has achieved a win-win situation through this platform. The 133rdChina Import and Export Fair was held in April as the 2023 Spring Canton Fair.This year's Canton Fair still has a huge passenger flow. Through theexhibition, we had the
0China-Lutong è una delle più importanti aziende cinesi nella distribuzione e produzione diparti, componenti e attrezzature per sistemi di iniezione diesel. Sulla basedel principio di onestà, credibilità e mutuo vantaggio, la nostra azienda aderisce sempre per promuovereil mutuo vantaggio con sforzi congiunti. Se partecipi, ci piacerebbe vederti lì. Venite a trovarci al nostro standNO.100 a Expromecanica Y Autopartes Perù 2023. Prevediamo di stabilire una relazione commerciale a lungotermine tra le nostre due società. As you are probably aware, the ChengduInternational Trade Fair for Aut
00La Feria de autopartes de Teherán se considera una oportunidad importante para la evaluación de las perspectivas en los sectores automotrices, el aumento de lasexportaciones específicas delsector, la protección de laparticipación en el mercado y el establecimiento de conexionescomerciales a largo plazo. El evento internacional tiene como objetivodemostrar autopartes , repuestos y equipos de decoración, así como servicios postventa, técnicos y de ingeniería. Le invitamos cordialmente a visitarnos en nuestrostand HALL 38-156. Lo invitamos a aprovechar la oportunidad para establecer nuev00platform for business, informationexchange and investment for the automotive industry in Southwest China, andwill be held from 18 – 20 May 2023 at the Chengdu Century City NewInternational Exhibition & Convention Center, China. I would like to takethe time to invite personally you to come and take a look at our booth 5K27 Wewill also focus on some of our standard products such as Hydraulic Head AndRotor assembly, fuel injector nozzle, feed pumps, common rail diesel and manymore. That is why we would like to invite you to come over to have a look atour great booth. It is the perfect oppor0Все продукты China-Lutongтопливной аппаратуры, выпущенные нарынок послепродажного обслуживания, соответствуют оригинальному оборудованию, форме ифункциям и производятся в соответствии со спецификациями оригинального оборудования,получают новый стандарт впрыска топлива с помощью комплектов впрыска топливаChina-Lutong и систем EFI.000000000000000000000000请问哪里可以买到配件更换呀?0000000000000