0美式英语在发展研究过程中受历史、地域、文化等各种社会因素的影响,具备本身特有风格,与英式英语有显著不同之处。在语法,拼写,含义等方面都存在差异,让我们快速看看这些方面的不同之处! 首先是语法,在描述最近发生的事情时,美国人倾向于用过去的一般过去时,而英国的人更倾向于使用现在完成时。而且英式英语和美式英语的单词过去分词也有部分不一样。在英式英语中,集合名词(如委员会,政府,团队等)既可以是单数也可以
0经核实吧主盐城纳斯达克 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 盐城英语吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
0英语 while [wail] East Asia cultures [ko,ch2,s] 当东亚文化 were comparatively [ka9,pe2,tiv,li] backward [bek,w2d]是比较落后的时候 having only developed [di,we,lo,p,d] simple [sin,pl] choppers [cho,p2s]砍刀 and,只发展了简单砍刀 by implication, [in,pli,kA,shn]含蓄地 东亚文化相对落后,只发展了简单的砍刀, Dong1ya4wen2hua4 xiang1dui4luo4hou4 zhi3fa1zhan3lE4 jian3dan1dE4kan3dao1.拼音汉字 Do91ya4wN2hua4 xia91dui4lo4ho4 zh3fa1zhan3l4 jan3dan1dE4kan3do1,音标汉字
1Katy Perry and Taylor Swift had a feud—maybe you heard of it? It started back when Taylor thought Katy had stolen some backup dancers from her Red Tour. 或许,你曾经听说过水果姐和霉霉有过一段恩怨?她始于霉霉认为水果姐挖了自己Red Tour 巡演备选舞伴的挖墙脚。 Taylor penned "Bad Blood" in response to the situation and then, after years of silence and veiled references, Katy addressed the feud head-on—multiple times, actually—while promoting her latest album, Witness.为此,霉霉专门写了新歌“Bad Blood”作为反击。在长
12017上半年热播国产剧TOP5出炉,每一部都很好看! 2017年上半年的电视剧和各大视频网站都被各种网络小说改编的电视剧霸屏,从《三生三世》到现在热播的《醉玲珑》,最近评出了5部最受欢迎的电视剧,快来看看都有哪些电视剧上榜了? 1. Ten Miles of Peach Blossom 1.《三生三世十里桃花》 Adapted from a popular online novel of the same name, a TV series called Ten Miles of Peach Blossom has hit the small screen during the Spring Festival. 《三生三世十里桃花》这部电视剧,改编自同名网络
1OK是一个非正式的口语词,意为“好的,可以接受的”,也可以表示赞同或认可。OK又可以写成okay或者O.K.,发音不变。在语言专家眼中,OK单词清晰、发音简单,而且含有其他词语中罕见的中立意味:表示同意或接受,却不需要额外提供观点。 或许正因如此,才使得它成为世界知名度最高的一个英文单词,也是全球使用频率最高的、最通用的词语。在联合国机构,每天都会正常使用6种语言,但在译员眼中,OK是个不需要翻译的词,因为所有人都懂得它
1Prince William will begin his last shift as an air ambulance pilot this afternoon before moving on to life as a full-time member of the royal family.今天下午威廉王子将最后一次担任救护飞机的飞行员,之后他将用全部的时间来履行其皇室职责。 The Duke of Cambridge announced in January he would be ending his career with the East Anglian Air Ambulance (EAAA), and has clocked-up more than two years flying medical crews to emergencies from a base at Cambridge Airport.剑桥公爵于一月宣布他将结束自己在东安格利亚空中急救队的工作,而且
1Baidu, Alibaba, and Tencent all miss out on Fortune’s Global 500 list 阿里巴巴、腾讯未能打入世界500强 Fortune magazine’s yearly global 500 list came out on Wednesday, and for the Chinese tech industry, the results are a little surprising. China’s three biggest internet companies – Baidu, Alibaba, and Tencent (BAT) – didn’t make the list at all. In fact, Alibaba rival JD.com was the only Chinese internet company to break into the 500, coming in at number 366.上周三,《财富》杂志“年度世界500强企业”新鲜出炉,对于中国的科技行业来说,
0期末考试结束啦,来看看孩子这学期都学了什么,有什么疏漏是在考试中被发现的,把这部分补起来吧! Unit1 I Cinderella 词汇 because因为 fairy 仙女 fit合适,合身 have to 不得不,必须 leave…behind 留下,丢下 mushroom 蘑菇 prince 王子 understand 明白,理解 pick 摘,拾 take off 脱下 be bad for有害的 clothes 衣服 let 让 put on 穿上 before 在…以前 try on 试穿 late 迟的 pick 摘 词组: at the prince’s house 在王子的房子 be sad 伤心 go to the party 去聚会 don’t have any nice clothes or shoes
2Google Glass returns: This time, it's professional谷歌眼镜又回来了,这次目标是企业市场 A long time ago, before Snapchat Spectacles and Microsoft HoloLens, there was Google Glass. Google's bold vision of headsets wasn't as futuristic as it seemed back in 2013 -- it was more head-mounted display than augmented reality -- and its design as a personal device put most people off.早在Snapchat眼镜和微软全息透镜出现之前,谷歌眼镜就已经问世了。然而在2013年,谷歌公司这个大胆的设想并不如它表面上那般新潮——它看起来
1大长腿为什么这么稀有? 有的人可能觉得,这是因为少数人基因好。 然而,生物学家们现在却要告诉你,这是因为那些人“基因差”。 对,这是他们最新的研究成果,听起来相当毁三观——在很久很久以前,人类中的大长腿其实挺多的,但他们都被冻死了,或摔死了…… 事情是这样的, 人类最早出现在历史舞台上,是在大约两百万年前,当时地球刚好进入了第三次冰河期,全球气温极低,天寒地冻。 这时候, 长腿的欧巴、欧尼们,就突然变成了
0大长腿为什么这么稀有? 有的人可能觉得,这是因为少数人基因好。 然而,生物学家们现在却要告诉你,这是因为那些人“基因差”。 对,这是他们最新的研究成果,听起来相当毁三观——在很久很久以前,人类中的大长腿其实挺多的,但他们都被冻死了,或摔死了…… 事情是这样的, 人类最早出现在历史舞台上,是在大约两百万年前,当时地球刚好进入了第三次冰河期,全球气温极低,天寒地冻。 这时候, 长腿的欧巴、欧尼们,就突然变成了
0不管父母是不是愿意,有关孩子英语学习的话题时时会出现在我们生活中,让我们感到非常纠结。如何“让孩子掌握英语”还是我们绕不开的话题。 比如:何时给孩子进行英语启蒙?用何种方式启蒙,从“听”开始?什么是听说?什么是拼读?什么是自主阅读?等等的问题始终萦绕在我们心头。 为了孩子的将来,英语永远是孩子必须经过的一个坎。 精通一门外语需要经过, 持久不断的努力, 父母和孩子一定要有耐心, 持之以恒,避免急功近利。
1While Japan's cherry blossoms may seem like the height of romance, when it comes to finding love in Tokyo, the best place to look might be near the office coffee pot. A new study shows that there is nearly 90% support for office romances among Japanese workers.日本樱花盛开时是最浪漫的时候,但东京的人去寻爱,最好的地方可能就在办公室咖啡区这方寸之地。一项研究显示日本90%的上班族支持办公室恋情。 As reported by RocketNews24, the study, which was conducted by Media Care Life Insurance, asked 1,000 new and veteran office workers the
0摘要——种一棵树最好的时间是十年前,其次就是现在,学语言也是这样子,你要是相信有偏方,那么那些认真学习、认真练的孩子就是在用“偏方” 现在很多孩子从幼儿园就开始就慢慢接触英文,到了上5年级的时候已经学了6,7年英文甚至更久。其实,少儿英语学习和所有语言一样是一点一滴慢慢累积来的,多听、多说、多练习并且不要给予孩子过多的压力,要快快乐乐地学习,把英文当作生活中的一部份,反复不断的学习和练习听、说、读、写,
0少儿英语培训能力提升最重要,如今,不少孩子从上幼儿园开始就被送进了英语培训班,甚至几个月大的宝宝也加入进来成为了小小学生。孩子的英语学习越来越受到家长们的重视,但是家长们应该更注重孩子的英语水平真能有所长进。 目前,不少孩子从小学低年级甚至幼儿园起就开始参加各种英语考级培训。为了应付考级,要背好多单词、语法和句型, 但孩子们考完就忘,等拿到证书之后,他们还能记住多少?我们不可回避的一个现状是,从幼儿园
1第一看成绩单报告单的报字:看成绩单最上面的蓝色字,其中的“报”字最后两笔画一定要压在底纹字母“C”上,没压住的肯定是假的。 一张成绩单如果连这最基本的版纹压字防伪都做错,就等于废纸一张,即使是复印了放在自荐书里,也会一眼就被用人单位识破。 二 看荧光防伪:稍暗处,用紫外线灯照射成绩单的表面,成绩单上会出现无数条发光的荧光纤维,成绩单的正面与背面均有。没有此防伪荧光纤维的肯定是假的。 有的虽然有荧光,
0Chinese Conglomerate Eyes European Bank联想去欧洲买银行了 Qatari-owned Banque Internationale a Luxembourg, which was founded in 1856 and is the oldest private bank in Luxembourg, is understood to be in talks with Beijing based Legend Holdings, the owner of computer group Lenovo.卢森堡国际银行始建于1856年,是该国历史最悠久的私人银行,现为卡塔尔皇室所有。目前,该银行正与联想集团商谈收购事宜。 According to a report from a news agency, Legend, has been in discussions to buy around 90 percent of the private bank from Precision Capital,
2下面这些与身体部位相关的英语习语,你一定得知道。不要根据词的表面意思猜测含义,不然会闹出笑话。各条习语,均有解释和说明。 1. All ears1.洗耳恭听 awaiting an explanation, listening eagerly and carefully形容恭敬地专心倾听,等待答复。 Tell me how you managed to pass the exam, I’m all ears.快说,你是怎么通过考试的,我洗耳恭听。 She was all ears to find out where her husband had been the night before.她目不转睛地听丈夫解释前夜去了何处。 2. Cold shoulder2.冷淡对待 (give sb the cold
0告家长书 《最强大脑高效学习法》 全国巡讲大型公益讲座 尊敬的学生家长: 您好! 随着时代的发展孩子要学习的知识越来越多,竞争压力越来越大,很多孩子面对大量的知识时由于没有掌握一套好的学习方法而陷入了死机硬背、学习压力大的困境!调查显示很多中国学生都碰到过类似问题: 1、单词记不牢, 语法易混淆 2、作文不会写, 得不了高分 3、抓不住重点, 听课效率低 4、偏科、注意力不集中、厌学 5、小升初、中高考考前压力大 6、家长很辛苦, 孩子
1Why Do British Love Tea So Much? 英国人为什么这么喜欢茶? Well, to put it simply- they started to drink tea because they didn't have much coffee. 简单来说,欧洲人开始喝茶是因为他们并没有太多咖啡。 Tea is a stimulating drink and in most cultures there has traditionally been some stimulating beverage that helps people start or get through their day. 茶是一款提神饮料,而且在大多数文化中,提神饮料可以帮助人们开始或者度过他们的一天。 Why the Brits drank more tea and not coffee comes down to what was available and afford
11。 Just wait and see。 I won‘t let you get away with that。 咱们走着瞧。我不会让你得逞的。 2。 You‘ll be sorry。 你会后悔的。 3。 You‘re gonna get what’s coming to you。 你会得到报应的。 4。 If you‘re looking for a fight, you don’t have to look far。 如果你想找人打架的话,不用找太远。 5。 Watch your mouth。 Do you know who you‘re talking to? 说话客气一点。你知道你在跟谁说话吗? 6。 I‘ll get even with you sooner or later。 跟你
1Twitter上有个段子手叫pakalu papito,每次发的状态都是负能量直逼PM2.5。。。 1 Later is the best time to do anything。 千里之行,始于明天。 2 If your crush isn‘t me then sorry you’re wrong。 如果你喜欢的不是我,那不好意思,这是你的问题。 3 I wish I was a cat because the fatter you are the more people like you。 真希望我是只猫,越胖越招人稀罕。 4 If you see me smiling in public it means I‘m laughing at the jokes I tell myself in my head。 如果你看见我在公
1The hummingbird was lost in the supermarket, exhausted, starving, and near death as it spiraled towards the ground on helpless wings。 一只蜂鸟在超市里迷路了,它疲惫不堪且饥饿难耐,由于无力挥动双翼,小蜂鸟飞得越来越低,眼看就要奄奄一息。 I snatched her away from the crushing carts, cupped her in my hands, and rushed for the exit。 我一把将它抓住,让它免于遭受被推车碾压的命运。我小心翼翼地托着蜂鸟,向出口跑去,感到它小而柔软的身体躺在我的掌心。 She wa
1If you were looking for an excuse to start your day with a bowl of Cocoa Krispies topped with chocolate milk, science has your back。 A study published recently in Frontiers in Nutrition looked at the effects of cocoa and cocoa-derived food (read: chocolate) and found that they have “the potential to counteract cognitive decline and sustain cognitive abilities。” 如果你在找一个理由使你可以每天吃一碗淋了巧克力牛奶的可可亚脆米花,科学可以做你的后盾。最近,营养学术前沿系列期刊发表了一篇关于可可粉和可可
1Any day will do?哪一天都可以? Any messages for me?有我的留言吗? Are you by yourself?你一个人来吗? All right with you?你没有问题吧? Are you free tomorrow?明天有空吗? Are you kidding me?你在跟我开玩笑吧? As soon as possible!尽可能快!
1When I was in first grade, my father lovingly brought home a colorful schoolbag for me。 当我还是一年级的时候,爸爸超有爱地带回家一个彩色书包给我。 I shouldered the new empty bag like a prized possession for an hour; then I heard a barely audible clunk from within it。 我背着新的空书包足足有一个小时,像背着一个珍贵的宝物。接着我听见里面好像有什么东西在轻轻地作响。 I sifted through every pocket until I found a little clown man and a red fish。 我翻遍了书包上面所有的
11。 Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you。 [翻译]麻烦没来找你,就别去自找麻烦。 [点评]第一、四个trouble是动词,第二、三个trouble是名词。 2。 I think that that that that that student wrote on the blackboard was wrong。 [翻译]我认为那个学生写在黑板上的那个“that”是错误的。 [点评]第一个that是连词,引起宾语从句;第二、五个that是指示代词“那个”;第三个that在这儿相当于名词;第四个that是关系代词,引起定语从句。 3。 I know
11。 The Court‘s Decision 法院的决定 Sir。 Clark, I have reviewed this case very carefully, the divorce court Judge said, and I‘ve decided to give your wife $775 a week。 Clark先生,我已经仔细审阅了这宗离婚案件,法官说,我决定判给你的妻子每周支付775美元。 That‘s very fair, Your Honor, the husband said。 and every now and then I’ll try to send her a few bucks myself。“ “那太好了,先生,”丈夫说,“那我也要给她一些钱。” Explanation: When the Judge used the ve
1从起床到出门早晨好! Good morning! 该起床了! It‘s time to get up! 你醒了嘛? Are you awake? 今天是个好天! It‘s a nice day! 把被子叠好。 Let‘s fold up the futon。 我做了个美梦。 I had a good dream。 我得洗脸了。 I have to wash my face。 该吃早饭了。 It‘s time to eat breakfast。 我还困着呢。 I‘m still sleepy。 刷牙了吗? Did you brush your teeth? 我得梳梳头了。 I have to comb
1夏天到,有项很凉爽的运动正等着大家,那就是游泳。你会游泳吗?有在夏季定期游泳的习惯吗?你会哪种游泳方式?蛙泳?蝶泳?还是狗刨式?你喜欢在海边游还是去游泳馆?本期我们就用英文来聊聊游泳。 Key Words 关键词 swim/swimming 游泳 go for a swim/go swimming 去游泳 goggles 泳镜 swimsuit 泳衣(女式) bikini 比基尼泳衣 swimming trunks 泳裤(男式) swimming pool 游泳池 swimmer’s pool 深水池 t
1Blood is thicker than water, but that doesn‘t mean our friendships should take a backseat to our family relationships as we grow up。 血浓于水,但这不意味着在我们成长过程中面对家庭关系时友谊就得靠边站。
1Back in the 1770s, stylish women from all walks of life favored soaring manes. But these towering creations weren’t wigs. Using a variety of ingenious tricks, women made their real hair look like that—and they did it all without mousse, gel, or hairspray。早在18世纪70年代,各行各业的时尚女性都青睐冲天高的盘发。但这些高耸的发型作品不是假发。利用多种多样的独创技巧,女性用真发拗出这般发型,全程不用摩丝、啫喱和发胶。 Members of the French aristocracy first adopted the “bigger is better” hair trend, whic
11. denim牛仔布 The hard-wearing cotton twill fabric, usually blue and often used for jeans, is pretty straightforward about its origins; denim comes from Nîmes, France. More fully, the fabric was known as ‘serge de Nîmes’, serge referring to a durable twilled woolen or worsted fabric。这种耐磨的棉质斜纹布织物,通常是蓝色的,用来做牛仔裤,名字来源也够直截了当。牛仔布一词来自法国尼姆。说全面些,这种织物即所谓的“serge de Nîmes (尼姆粗缝毛边)”,serge指的是经久耐磨的斜纹布羊毛或是精纺织
1Most of us don‘t really take the time to pay careful attention to the product instructions we receive when purchasing an item - however, you should。 大多数人买了东西都不会花时间去仔细看产品说明,但是你应该好好看看。 If not for the instructions themselves, at least for the hidden easter eggs。 就算不是真的为了看说明,至少去看看隐藏的彩蛋吧。 Bored Panda has created a list of the funniest instructions and tags you‘ll be glad you bothered to read。 Bored Panda网站列举了一系列最有趣的
1Dear Myself, 亲爱的自己, Life is scary。 One day you wake up feeling like you can take over the world, and the next day you wake up feeling like all you want to do is to lay in bed and hide from everything。 生活让人胆寒。一天醒来你还觉得自己能够接管世界,隔天起来你就只想在床上躺着,不理世事。 People walk into your life, grab your hand, and lead you the most beautiful path you‘ve known, but sometimes the same people let go of your hand without warning, and you become stranded at a place where you n
1想要学好英语,不仅需要靠知识的积累和运用,同时也需要学习的方法和技巧。英语教育专家根据20年教学经验,总结出了征服英语的十条真理和法则,只要坚持做其中任何一条,就能超越千万人,成为真正的英语高手。 一、录音是最好的老师 最好的老师不是人,而是录音。反复听录音,并跟着录音疯狂模仿,刻苦操练,这就是世界上最有效的语言学习方法。 二、英语是永远学不出来的 全国有上亿的人每天都在刻苦学习英语,他们
1A crook 骗子 She made a classic boner and married a crook。她犯了一个大错误,嫁给了一个骗子。 A villain 恶棍;反面人物;罪魁祸首 “Mind you don‘t break out again, you villain, ” said Quilp, looking sternly at him。“小心不要再出声,你这个**,”奎尔普说,严厉地注视着他。 A scumbag 讨厌的人;卑鄙小人;人渣 You‘re such a scumbag! Give the old woman your seat, you’re a young guy, you can stand up。你真是个**!把座位让给老婆婆,你是个年轻人,可以站着
11。 So you never get stuck without toilet paper。你就永远不会陷入厕所没有纸的困境。 3。 To go to kids‘ movies without the judgment。 去看小孩子的电影,也不会有人对你指指点点。 4。 To handle telemarketers。对付电话销售员。 5。 To save money on car washes。省了洗车钱。 6。 For your rear window。装饰后窗玻璃。 7。 To buy toys guilt-free。买玩具也不会有罪恶感。 8。 So you can tell people you own a Range Rover or a Mercedes。你能告诉别人你有一辆路虎揽胜或奔驰。
1到户外撒野拥抱阳光的季节来啦!春天一到,就按捺不住要出去浪的心╮(╯▽╰)╭野营、赏花、爬山、看水。。。想想就觉得每个周末都有盼头了! 你们准备好迎接春天了吗?今天,要安利18件适合春天做的事情!大好的春天时光,千万不能浪费了呀~~ 爸爸妈妈,快和孩子一起玩耍吧! 1、Go camping together。 组织一次野营 提前查好天气,选择合适的地方,备好野餐篮、毛毯、食物、游戏,带上孩子喜爱的玩具,全家人一起去野营咯