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  • 5
    【问】 请问如何取消chegg的包月,在线等,急,明天就要再续约了 【解答】 chegg你不设置的话是会自动续费的,请到my account的orders页面设置 rt
    chegg 6-16
  • 6
    【问】 客服让清理浏览数据也清理了,还是不管用啊 给我显示这个,之前问的题都还能看 Oops… Something isnt right. We appreciate your patience while we work to fix the issue. Please try again later. 【解答】 如果用手机的话请用在App上登录哦
    chegg 11-19
  • 1
    rt 问题:在打开chegg时,出现了the page you are looking is currently unavailable 解决方法:请试图清理cookie和缓存,时间范围为时间不限。再重启一下浏览器试试哦
    chegg 9-23
  • 2
    rt 下面是常见的原因 Let us also avoid the following Account Sharing triggers: using V^n using on multiple tabs, browsers or devices at once( be sure to log out completely) sharing account information googling questions versus searching within Chegg study trying to access Chegg via an Incognito or Private Browsing window Make sure you are completely logged out to the other registered device before using the other one
    chegg 10-14

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