2这是他的微博 Dear friends There comes a time when change takes us onto new pathways. I joined CCTV almost 13 years ago and it has been one of the highlights of my long media career. A big change came to the English channel today, as CCTV News left the screen to be replaced by CGTN. I have decided this is the time I too should explore new pathways beyond the CCTV tower. I see this as a real opportunity to use my communication skills in other fields To all my colleagues, it has been an absolute privilege to work with you and I will miss the camaraderie we shared in times of work and play.
6edwinmaher 有一段时间不播报新闻了,是不是病了
0You Tobe里面有,但是被封杀了
0谁知道Edwin Maher多大年龄了,
4Whenever there's 'emergency situation' or 'a technical problem',Edwin always responsibly says sorry and he's really polite and professional!
3A few days ago I watch the news and in the screen showed his hairy arms...indeed some "laowai" have heavier body hair than us.Haha~
1Haven't seen him on TV for a while! Miss him!
1红红的徽章~ 嘻嘻~
2今天9套的新闻里面有他的采访。 4套也播过。 那天晚上Yang Rui 采访他还有其他人来着。
10昨天是中秋节,天气预报过后转回演播室,就看到他拿着一块月饼,抱怨着在演播室里看不到月亮,咬了一口,说着“not bad”幽默的结束了本次节目~~相当
4Title My China Daily Author Edwin Maher ISBN Publisher Foreign Language Teaching & Research Press Group 
7爱德文:央视第一个洋面孔播音员 爱德文(Edwin Maher) 在澳大利亚国家电视台(ABC)工作了20多年,是该台资 深新闻播音员、脱口秀节目主持人A
2很想安排到回到之前的19:00 和20:00档……
0酒越久越醇, 朋友相交越久越真; 水越流越清, 世间沧桑越流越淡。 十五花灯闹乾坤, 汤圆味美香喷喷, 祝你佳节福满身, 好运和你不离分,
0这一季, 有我最深的思念。 就让风捎去满心的祝福, 缀满你甜蜜的梦境。 倾听新年的钟声犹如年轮的呼吸, 簇拥着我们共同的梦, 雪花, 悄然无
0Haven't seen him much on TV these days!
1天空飘落的雪花, 就象我的心情, 思念不断蔓延, 从遥远的另一端努力奔向你, 不能相伴, 情愿化做雪花, 将你砸的人仰马翻 ★~☆R
0在生日到来的今天愿所有的欢乐和喜悦不断涌向您的窗前! 因为你的降临,这一天,成了一个美丽的日子,从此世界便多了一抹诱人的色彩。朋友,祝你
2Edwin hosted News Hour and tonight's World Wide Watch. Is it too heavy a task?
4杨锐也在那里。 片子里放了Edwin做天气预报的画面,which are very funny!
3...Still struggleing to speak Chinese,he has found himself in humorous situations,which becames the subjects of 20 feature stories publish
1这种情况不多见。 -LC