0经核实吧主HP英勇无敌 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 hp英勇无敌吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
1--------------------------------------------------------- 战火为何而燃?(To ask why we fight?) 秋叶为何而落?(Is to ask why the leaves fall?) 天性不可夺,(It is in the nature,) 吾辈心中亦有惑。(Perhaps there is a better question。) 怒拳为谁握,(Why do we fight,) 护国安邦惩奸恶,(To protect home and family,) 道法自然除心魔!(To preserve balance and bring harmony!) 战无休而祸不息,(For my kind ,) 吾辈何以为战!(The true question is what is worth fighting for! )
0--------------------------------------------------------- 战火为何而燃?(To ask why we fight?) 秋叶为何而落?(Is to ask why the leaves fall?) 天性不可夺,(It is in the nature,) 吾辈心中亦有惑。(Perhaps there is a better question。) 怒拳为谁握,(Why do we fight,) 护国安邦惩奸恶,(To protect home and family,) 道法自然除心魔!(To preserve balance and bring harmony!) 战无休而祸不息,(For my kind ,) 吾辈何以为战!(The true question is what is worth fighting for! )
1--------------------------------------------------------- 战火为何而燃?(To ask why we fight?) 秋叶为何而落?(Is to ask why the leaves fall?) 天性不可夺,(It is in the nature,) 吾辈心中亦有惑。(Perhaps there is a better question。) 怒拳为谁握,(Why do we fight,) 护国安邦惩奸恶,(To protect home and family,) 道法自然除心魔!(To preserve balance and bring harmony!) 战无休而祸不息,(For my kind ,) 吾辈何以为战!(The true question is what is worth fighting for! )
1--------------------------------------------------------- 战火为何而燃?(To ask why we fight?) 秋叶为何而落?(Is to ask why the leaves fall?) 天性不可夺,(It is in the nature,) 吾辈心中亦有惑。(Perhaps there is a better question。) 怒拳为谁握,(Why do we fight,) 护国安邦惩奸恶,(To protect home and family,) 道法自然除心魔!(To preserve balance and bring harmony!) 战无休而祸不息,(For my kind ,) 吾辈何以为战!(The true question is what is worth fighting for! )
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0霍雨浩吧抢楼送实体书,各种奖品嗨翻天~ 走过路过机会真心不容错过~ 绝世唐门实体书,绝世唐门漫画单行本免费送~ 奖品多多,欢乐多多~ 传送门:http://tieba.baidu.com/p/2731378638
4啊啊 --------------------------------------------------------- 战火为何而燃?(To ask why we fight?) 秋叶为何而落?(Is to ask why the leaves fall?) 天性不可夺,(It is in the nature,) 吾辈心中亦有惑。(Perhaps there is a better question。) 怒拳为谁握,(Why do we fight,) 护国安邦惩奸恶,(To protect home and family,) 道法自然除心魔!(To preserve balance and bring harmony!) 战无休而祸不息,(For my kind ,) 吾辈何以为战!(The true question is what is worth fighting for! )
3@HP英勇无敌 水比