0我下好之后出现了这个情况[img pic_type= width= height=]file:///C:\Users\ASUS\AppData\Roaming\Tencent\Users\1415501797\QQ\WinTemp\RichOle\0_KWXXOCXQC6[M9X%57JOID.jpg[/img]
3如题 配置:芯片i3,内存4G,A卡独显1G
1After a protracted development cycle stretching back to 2008, it seemed Ubisoft's digital download survival title I Am Alive might launch without further complications. Unfortunately, Ubisoft has been forced to clarify recent inflammatory comments made by I Am Alive's lead developer about piracy, software sales and "bitching" PC gamers. I Am Alive is set to launch during the northern hemisphere's winter on XBLA and the PS Store, with a PC version conspicuously absent. Questioned on this at a recent Ubisoft digital showcase day, the game's creative director Stanislas Mettra told Inc Gamers "We'
26育碧动作新作《我还活着》E3 08正式确认 游戏故事叙述在主角亚当遭遇空前绝后的大地震后,世界陷入了一片秩序崩溃的局面,仅存的人们都为了生存而互相残杀著。 游戏叙说在发生大地震之后,人们可以为了一瓶水杀人,主角要如何运用智慧逃脱追杀;影片也回朔事发后前六天,玩家可以看到地震发生后,大楼瞬间倒塌,从此对外的连络方式全无,玩家将运用最原始的求生本能来完成这款游戏。
6大灾难之后的生存大冒险今年冬季登录Xbox LIVE Arcade和 PlayStation Network 中国,上海 — 2011年9月30日— 今天,育碧宣布灾后动作冒险游戏《我还活着》将于今年冬季登录微软的Xbox LIVE Arcade和索尼的PlayStation Network。由育碧上海工作室开发的这款游戏力图营造一个真实的灾后世界,玩家们将在这个世界中面对许多发人深省的选择。 《我还活着》以一个普通人寻找他的妻女为引线,在那个“事件”中他的妻女都失散了。一年以后他蹒跚着找到了他的故乡Havento
10召唤 @MontaStella
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