4求助各位大神,本人第一次投稿,现在内心比较焦灼,想要跟投过Jounal of Neural Engineering 的前辈们讨一些经验。我是六月5号投的稿,之前一直的是awaiting review,今天一看变成了 awaiting decision了。一个半月的时间是不是太快了,这样是不是肯定被拒了呀!好紧张啊,求大神给解答
1我做一个原核基因的表达,发现这个基因发生了突变,但酶本身活性没变 ,不知道能不能把这个现象写成个文章, 向各位战友请教国内外有没有专门报道基因突变的杂志?
0急求Journal of Risk期刊网址
0Journal of Healthcare Engineering 有一个special issue,有约稿机会 欢迎研究以下方向的老师和同学来稿: 光学显微镜进展 光学内窥镜检查 超快光学成像 波前整形 超分辨率光学显微镜 光学相干断层扫描和量化 漫射光学断层扫描和量化 光声(光声)成像和定量 图像重建和逆问题 图像分析 详情见链接: https://www.hindawi.com/journals/jhe/si/427183/cfp/
0journal of medical hypotheses and ideas投稿怎么投。主页上submit your paper点进去根本不是。求大神指点
1我在Journal inequalities and applications 投稿payment确认时出问题, 换了火狐浏览器还是不行,该怎么解决呢?谢谢
0This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.16 (TeX Live 2015) (preloaded format=pdflatex 2015.6.16) 1 MAR 2017 13:31 entering extended mode restricted \write18 enabled. %&-line parsing enabled. **Network coherence and eigentime identity on.tex ! Emergency stop. <*> Network coherence and eigentime identity on.tex *** (job aborted, file error in nonstop mode) Here is how much of TeX's memory you used: 3 strings out of 493089 102 string characters out of 6137536 53199 words of memory out of 5000000 3590 multiletter control sequences out of 15000+600000 3640 words of font info for 1
0向INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISTRIBUTED SENSOR NETWORKS投稿,快一个月了,一直都是Peer Review in Process的状态,而且投稿之后也没有收到任何确认稿件提交成功的邮件,这是什么情况?哪位大侠在这个杂志投过稿,分享下经验,感谢!
0有没有哪位大神在JOURNAL OF BRIDGE ENGINEERING发表过的?想咨询一下这里发表有没有什么格式要求或者其他要求什么的?
0journal of nuclear medicine这个期刊是多大的,A3还是A4大小
1EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing有模板吗?该期刊有页数限制吗?
2有谁知道Journal of Petroleum Science and Technology是EI还是SCI检索的期刊,影响因子多高,审稿速度如何,录用率有多高?知道的能不能不吝告知!
0JOURNAL of consmology and astrophysics是属于什么档次的刊物呀,本科生在上面发文难不难呀
1Journal of Petroleum Geology 9
1Journal of the Korean Statistical Society 属于什么级别刊物
0跪求journal of applied physics在2003年发布的Surfactant effect of In for AlGaN growth by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy这篇论文的中文原文
0journal of intelligent and fuzzy systems 主页进不去 怎么投稿到该杂志呢》谢谢!
2帮忙告诉我 journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 的投稿要求了,好久没找到呵!
1“Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, USA 美国《化学与化学工程》期刊 国际统一刊号 ISSN 1934-7353” 是否为国内核心期刊?
0http://www.todayonline.com/Singapore/EDC100422-0000126/A-rare-re 写500字的journal。。。 根据 introduction main issues explain support opinion conclusion
0英国有没有Journal of Modeling and Optimization和European Journal of Engineering Computation这两本期刊
0急求Journal of Forestry Research此期刊,Volume 16, Number 4 / 2005年12月 请问哪里有得买啊??
0带利息力的盈余过程中,利息力越大,盈余过程越大么?或者说,对带利息力的盈余过程关于利息力求导结果大于0 么?
0这篇文章里用到的试剂PM和MEM,在哪个公司买的,货号是什么? 我找的好辛苦! 谢谢!
2Dear all, Here we are delighted to inform you that you are selected as a member of our Biology Journal club, and welcome to join us! We look forward to making progress with all of you. Following are some notifications we hope you can pay attention to: 1.As member of our journal club, you will recieve deleberately selected papers regularly in the future days,which are recommended either by professors or by members of the club. And your responsibility is just sending your comments on these papers back to this mail address. There is no limit on when you read, what to write and when
0Journal Cited Half-Life The cited half-life for the journal is the median age of its articles cited in the current JCR year. Half of the citations to the journal are to articles published within the cited half-life.
2Macrocyclic coordination compounds formed by condensation of metal-amine complexes with aliphatic carbonyl compounds N. F. Curtis Coordination Chemistry Reviews Volume 3, Issue 1 , April 1968, Pages 3-47 E-mail:lindongcheng1984@163.com
1急需Journal of the Electrochemical Society上的一篇文章,它是Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 142(1), 1–5. 文章名是Performance modelling of the Ballard Mark V solid polymer electrolyte fuel cell 有知道的能不能发到我的邮箱xiexie@ncepu.edu.cn 非常感谢!!!
0哪位知道期刊Li K.Synthesis of Monodisperse Poly(divinlbenzene) Microspheres[J].J Polym Sci,Part A,1993,31(?)多少卷??:2473-2478
0Journal of College Student Development,谁知道被哪个数据库收录
0Announcement ------------------------------------------------------- Last Call for Papers/Abstracts and Invited Sessions Proposals for The 3rd International Symposium on Knowledge Communication and Peer Reviewing: KCPR 2008 (http://www.sciiis.org/kcpr2008) The 3rd International Symposium on Knowledge Communication and Conferences: KCC 2008 (http://www.sciiis.org/kcc2008) Being organized in the context of The 2nd International Conference on Knowledge Generation, Communication and Management: KGCM 2008 (http://www.sciiis.org/kgcm2008) ------------------------------------------------
0ISSN:1548-7741 名称: Journal of Information and Computational Science是否被EI核心索引?我从EI中没有查到,但去年该期刊仅仅被索引到9月份,12月份的就没有索引,是否从2006年12月份开始,他们与EI已经脱离了关系?