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1楼2011-02-14 13:30回复
    分类:Death Scythe
    声优:Eric Vale
    •     技能:Carcan Claw
    •         Holy Jūji-Shūtō
    •     Law Abiding Silver Gun
    •     Madness Fusion
    Silver Gun

    2楼2011-02-14 13:31
      原文Justin's personality can be described as polite and zealous. He is seen smiling numerous times in the series and addresses his peers and enemies with suffixes. He does not openly look down on anyone, nor chastises them, yet is prepared to kill should he be given the orders by Shinigami.
      One of Justin's most notable characteristics is his devout faith in Shinigami to whom prays and give thanks for everything. His faith affects the clothes he wears and how he typically speaks, using chiefly religious terms even within his normal sentences.
      Another characteristic is his earphones, which he is never seen without and has the volume of the music turned up rather high. The volume is so high, it prevents him from hearing when people speak to him. Because of this, or out of necessity, Justin has the ability to read lips, but due to his constant usage of earphones and Shinigami wearing a mask, he cannot understand Shinigami. This also applies to Tezca Tlipoca, who spoke to Justin on several occasions in the past but never realized that Justin could not actually hear him. Another drawback is that he tends to speak loudly due to his constant use of headphones. This also annoys other people who are not aware that he is capable of reading lips, leading them to think that he is ignoring them.
      Justin另一大特色就是他的耳机,他从来不摘下耳机并且把音量调到最大以至于他从来听不到外界的人说话。就因为如此,Justin会读唇术,但对于像死神那样有面具的人,他还是不知道他们再说什么。还有Tezca Tlipoca,他从来没有意识到在大多数场合下Justin并没有听到他说些什么。另外,他在戴着耳机的同时嗓门儿很大以至于让那些不知道他会读唇术的人很恼火,并且有一种被无视的感觉(锯子哥?)

      4楼2011-02-14 13:33
        原文Justin was later revealed to have been a spy for Noah, defecting to his gang and demonstrating his true faith in Asura. After this change of heart, Justin even went as far as murdering Joe Buttataki simply to create a rift between Shibusen and Stein, while also preventing B.J. from discovering his real intentions. From this point onwards, Justin has demonstrated that he has developed a sadistic side, taking off his earphones for the first time in the series just to hear the rhythmic sound of Gopher beating up Death the Kid. He casually spoke of killing Joe Buttataki, in the name of the Kishin, after meeting Stein and Marie and smiled in agreement when Stein asked if he was going to kill Maka next. When Marie attacked him, he condescended her by claiming her power was not enough because she was a woman, even if she is a Death Scythe.
        译文Justin后来成为了诺亚的间谍,与死武专的人对抗并且确凿他真正的信仰是鬼神阿修罗。在他背板死武专后,他甚至谋杀了BJ并留下证据想栽赃于斯坦因只是因为惧怕BJ的灵敏感应使他的身份暴露。从这时开始,Justin就显示出来他邪恶的一面,他在漫画中首次自己摘下耳机竟然为了听Gopher打Kid的声音(锯子:恶趣味啊)当他再回死武专的路上碰上了玛丽和斯坦因,他们想知道Justin是否下一步要杀死Maka。当玛丽攻击他是,他贬低玛丽身为女性即使是Death Scythe力量也很弱(真的吗?)

        5楼2011-02-14 13:34
          Justin is the youngest in Shibusen's history to become a Death Scythe, which he achieved at the age of 13. He did all of this without the aid of a partner and became the Death Scythe in charge of Europe.
          According to a secret investigation report, produced by B.J., there are a number of unusual points when it came to Justin's background check.
          Justin是死武专历史上最年轻的Death Scythe,在他13岁时就成为了Death Scythe 并且独自一人没有职人,是欧洲的负责人。根据BJ的调查报告,Justin的背景调查有很多不寻常的疑点

          7楼2011-02-14 13:54

            8楼2011-02-15 23:27