Drama about the relationship between two young brothers. David is a typical 15-year-old with a colourful imagination. Ben is slightly older and has Down's syndrome. When their family decide to move for the sake of Ben's education, David's growing resentment of his brother takes a macabre turn. Written by Mark Haddon, author of the best-selling novel The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time.
Contains strong language and 'adult' images.
Drama about the relationship between two young brothers. David is a typical 15-year-old with a colourful imagination. Ben is slightly older and has Down's syndrome. When their family decide to move for the sake of Ben's education, David's growing resentment of his brother takes a macabre turn. Written by Mark Haddon, author of the best-selling novel The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time.
Contains strong language and 'adult' images.