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濒死体验者JoAnn M:为什么今天的地球多灾多难


I was told everything that ever occurred and every will occur. I was given reasons for was, what is, and what will be. For instance, I was told that part of the reason the global changes as it relates to weather is occurring is that the planet is beginning to take back it's original shape, to undo what man thought was right to harness her power. For instance, the rivers are taking back their beds.   I remember questioning these beings, why does this occur and what has that, and learned it is to be. I was also told, as a flip side of the coin, that humans have free will and some of the things that occur are because of choice. I remember getting real deep into the cause and effect and ying and yang of things. Some of it I didn't like and while it's a struggle for me to sometimes understand, realize it happens because of choices. This was in the realm of good and evil. I heard sounds I never heard, and while I never saw a human form, knew their were "vibrations" all around me, guiding and helping me along.
大意:我在(对岸)被告知地球环境的变化是因为地球在企图回到他原始的面貌,把人类的印记抹去,比如河床升高。 我记得我问那些“灵魂”,然后他们告诉我就像硬币有两面性一样,人类有自由意志,所以一些事情发生是人类自己的选择。 我记得他们很深刻的教育了我因果和阴阳。。。。我虽然没有看到任何“人状”的东西,但我感觉到身边有很多“振动”在知道我帮助我

1楼2011-03-13 16:12回复

    2楼2011-03-13 16:32