猫小珉吧 关注:28贴子:1,023

回复: ~~*【喵】*~~ 我是万能图片贴~~~( ^_^)/~~~


Q8) Last words for your fans...?
A) Hello! I'm the world super star, Kim Hee-Chul. I'm done with today's training, and I will be returning to my camp.
Well, thank you so much, my fans, for your endless love. I love you all.
And, my platoon leader allowed me to do this. This is the only, and the special version of good-bye to all my fans.
Here I go. I love you, all.

193楼2011-09-26 22:53


    194楼2011-09-27 19:34
      Q4)Who is the most memorable fellow recruit?
      A)I'm number 101 recruit. Number 102 recruit, Jeong Woo-Suk, is the most memorable fellow recruit. I have a trouble with my knee, but he has an issue with his back, so he can't even sit to take a rest. Because he and I are partners, we gave a lot of help to each other.

      Q5)How difficult was it for you to fit in Korea Army Training Center?
      A)Fortunately, although I'm very sensitive, I'm very flexible to new environment. My platoon and company leaders worried about me taking a shower with a group of other recruits, because although I'm the same recruit as others, I'm also a public figure. At first, it was awkward to see other recruits starring at me with weird looks, but I thought 'being introverted isn't really me. It damages my title, the world star. Let's be myself, Kim Hee-Chul. Let's be cool!" Then, I took my clothes off, took a shower, and said, "oh, good!" I wasn't embarrassed to show myself being naked. I was being a 'real man'! It was pretty memorable and interesting moment.

      Q6)When you think of yourself after joined the army, how changed are you, compare to before you came here?
      A)In fact, whether a person joins the army to be a public service worker or a soldier, he is drafted, not by his own choice. It's something all Korean men must do. But, I'm sure most of Korean men including myself would think that, "what can I do there? Joining the army is such a wasting time." So, I was worried. I worried about me returning back to where I originally belong. I thought, 'ah, can I do that again?' However, my mind changed since I came here. I think people really should experience any situations to make their minds. Thinking that joining the army is wasting time was totally unnecessary and immature. I did not waste time, and I rather had an opportunity to assemble my broken thoughts and mind to think of the past and future. Also, I wasn't so thankful to many people who supported and loved me. But, now, I realized that I was too proud of myself to ignore their support and love. From KATC, I learned to give words of comfort to others, learned to be cheered, learned to be thankful to those who love me so much and learned that I'm not the best, but not the worst, either. I'm still learning a lot of things. Although I thought that joining the army would stop me from what I do and where I belong, but now I positively think that joining the army gave me an opportunity to jump higher to reach my goal.


      196楼2011-10-03 00:20
        Last words for fans...
        Hello, my fans! I will have a training completion ceremony, tomorrow, then I will work as a public service worker for 23 months. Meanwhile, thanks to all who visited 'Hoon-Nam Story' blog, and thanks to all who gave me attention and love while training at KATC. Honestly, I thought of myself as 'the world star' and 'the best.' Moreover, I even think of myself greater and the best of best, after I trained with other recruits and completed the march in full gear. Ha Ha... My voice was actually louder than others! You guys didn't have to worry too much! I got along well with other recruits, too. Well, it's little hard to keep speaking by myself. I should get going to get ready for the completion ceremony. Please, take care of you guys! Cheung-Seong!


        197楼2011-10-03 00:24
          Super Junior Kim Hee-Chul finally completed basic trainings at KATC. Since last September 1, many photos and video clips of him training at KATC are released to the public, and they caught fans' attention. In the final interview, Kim Hee-Chul looked back memorable days and said, "I was worried alot about training at KATC because of my injured knee, but I enjoyed training with other recruits." Also, "many fans worried about me being skinnier, but I actually gained 3 kg because of having a regular schedule and life pattern!"
          Kim He-Chul was being asked about his future plan. He said, "honestly, it was tough to leave everything behind, and joined army. However, I don't think that anymore. Time isn't something just fly by, time is something to be filled up. I plan to develop myself to be better, and I want to say 'thank you' to everyone who gave me so much love."


          199楼2011-10-03 00:54

            来自掌上百度200楼2011-10-03 14:16

              201楼2011-12-30 04:22

                111227 政模TW更新:和下班后的希澈哥还有大名鼎鼎的组合M&D的第一个追随者恩静小姐在 '깍둑고기&지짐김치(店名)愉快的晚餐!

                202楼2011-12-30 04:25