How do you say hello where you’re from? “Cau.”
What are you wearing? IRO jacket, Prada pink dress, and boots.
How were you discovered? While walking to the train station on the street in Latvia.
( 这种情景好老套

Favorite model: Kate Moss.

Favorite New York designer: Marc Jacobs.

Most embarrassing modeling moment: Once, I fell during a fitting—that was embarrassing.
What is in your purse right now? Lip balm, I.D., credit card, phone, and gum.

What item are you coveting right now? NARS face cream, I have to get it. It’s amazing!
Beauty item you cannot live without: YSL Touché Éclat and Versace Bright Crystal perfume.
Exercise: I run three times a week for 40 minutes. It makes you feel amazing.
Do you have any hobbies? When I have time, I paint or read.(好孩子

Place you always visit while in New York: I love walking on the West Side by the Hudson River.
Name something you’re looking forward to in the next 24 hours: Meeting my friends for a girly lunch. (friends ? 一定包括小D吧

Dream vacation: The Maldives or Bali. (这两个地方我也想去

Favorite destination you have been to so far: Turks and Caicos. I had a blast there. So beautiful!
Name one thing people would be surprised to know about you: I’m scared of public bathrooms.

Who is your hero? My mum—always. I learn so much from her.