心有猛虎,细嗅蔷薇。 盛宴过后,泪流满面。 ----英国当代诗人西格里夫·萨松(Siegfried Sasson) 曾写过一行不朽的警句:“In me the tiger sniffes the rose.” 译成中文是:我心里有猛虎在细嗅蔷薇。 后又被人加上了“盛宴过后,泪流满面”,巧然天成。 余光中的译法:我心有猛虎在细嗅着蔷薇。
With this hand I will lift your sorrows. 我将用我的手带你走出忧伤困苦 Your cup
will never be empty, for I will be your wine. 你的杯将永不干涸 因为我将是你杯中的生命之泉 With this candle, I will light your way into darkness. 我将用这支蜡烛在黑暗中照亮你的生命 With this ring, I ask you to be mine. 现在我用这只戒指向你求婚你愿做我的妻子吗?
With this hand,I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never empty,for I
will be your wine. With this candle,I will light your way in darkness. With this ring, I ask you to be mine. 执子之手,承汝之忧。 愿为甜酿,盈汝之杯。 但如明烛,为汝之光。 永佩此誓,与汝偕老。 ----出自<僵尸新娘>