Recurring cast
David Greenman as Marcus Geier, a forensic technician (5 episodes)
Patricia Belcher as Caroline Julian, a prosecutor (4 episodes)
Brendan Fehr as Jared Booth, Booth's brother (4 episodes)
Marisa Coughlan as FBI Agent Payton Perotta (3 episodes)
Nichole Hiltz as Roxie Lyon, Angie's girlfriend (3 episodes)
Eric Millegan as Dr. Zack Addy (2 episodes)
Ryan O'Neal as Max Keenan, Brennan's father (2 episodes)
Ty Panitz as Parker Booth, Booth's son (2 episodes)
Stephen Fry as Dr. Gordon Wyatt, Booth's former psychiatrist (1 episode)
Billy Gibbons as Angela's father (1 episode)
Deirdre Lovejoy as Heather Taffet (1 episode)
This season also introduces several new interns who fill Zack's position with each new case.
Eugene Byrd as Dr. Clark Edison (6 episodes)
Ryan Cartwright as Vincent Nigel-Murray (5 episodes)
Michael Grant Terry as Wendell Bray (5 episodes)
Carla Gallo as Daisy Wick (4 episodes)
Joel David Moore as Colin Fisher (4 episodes)
Pej Vahdat as Arastoo Vaziri (3 episodes)
Michael Badalucco as Scott Starret (1 episode)
Recurring cast
Patricia Belcher as Caroline Julian, a prosecutor (5 episodes)
Diedrich Bader as FBI Assistant Director Andrew Hacker (3 episodes)
Tiffany Hines as Michelle Welton, Cam's adopted daughter (3 episodes)
Ryan O'Neal as Max Keenan, Brennan's father (3 episodes)
Ty Panitz as Parker Booth, Booth's son (2 episodes)
Zooey Deschanel as Margaret Whitesell, Brennan's relative (1 episode)
Brendan Fehr as Jared Booth, Booth's brother (1 episode)
Stephen Fry as Dr. Gordon Wyatt, Booth's former psychiatrist (1 episode)
Billy Gibbons as Angela's father (1 episode)
Elon Gold as Dr. Paul Lidner, Cam's boyfriend (1 episode)
Deirdre Lovejoy as Heather Taffet (1 episode)
Eric Millegan as Dr. Zack Addy (1 episode)
The interns who appeared in the previous season return.
Eugene Byrd as Dr. Clark Edison (4 episodes)
Carla Gallo as Daisy Wick (4 episodes)
Michael Grant Terry as Wendell Bray (4 episodes)
Pej Vahdat as Arastoo Vaziri (3 episodes)
Ryan Cartwright as Vincent Nigel-Murray (2 episodes)
Joel David Moore as Colin Fisher (1 episode)