最后我在怀疑中等来了PLAN B的二砖终于引进美国发行并,等来了滚石2星+冷嘲热讽 Plan B The Defamation of Strickland Banks Atlantic Rolling Stone: 2.5 star/5 star By Jody Rosen April 13, 2011 A Number One hit in England, the second album from this U.K. rapper-turned-crooner is a concept record that tells the story of a fictional soul singer who is falsely imprisoned. There is courtroom drama, there are harrowing scenes in prison showers and late-night bouts of conscience in jail cells. All of it is silly in the extreme. You're advised to ignore the ridiculous plot particulars and concentrate on the album's modest pleasures: chiefly, Plan B's lovely, Smokey Robinson-style tenor and deft melodic touch, which raise songs like the melancholic "Love Goes Down" and the string-swathed ballad "I Know a Song" a grade or two above the norm for British Motown pastiches. --------------------------------------------------------------- All of it is silly in the extreme.