12.故障现象:计算机屏幕上出现“错误680:没有拨号音。请检测调制解调器是否正确连到电话线。”或者“There is no dialtone. Make sure your Modem is connected to the phone line properly.”的提示框。 分析、排除:检测调制解调器工作是否正常,是否开启;检查电话线路是否正常,是否正确接入调制解调器,接头有无松动。
13.故障现象:计算机屏幕上出现“The Modem is being used by another Dial-up Networding connection or another program.Disconnect the other connection or close the program,and then try again” 的提示框。
16.故障现象:计算机屏幕上出现“The computer is not receiving a response from the Modem. Check that the Modem is plugged in,and if necessary,turn the Modem off ,and then turn it back on” 的提示框。 分析、排除:检查调制解调器的电源是否打开;检查与调制解调器连接的线缆是否正确的连接。