"My lady," Len said with an accented voice. "Where would the madame like to go?"
"I haven't decided yet, good sir," Rin replied, tangling her fingers in Len's hair, while he wrapped his arms around her body.
"Well, think about it, I haven't got forever," Len said, losing his accent and pouting.
"That was terribly rude!"
"Don't care. You think too much."
"Well, maybe if you ever gave me time to think, things would go much smoother than they are now," Rin pointed out, sticking her tongue out at him.
Len just shurgged, and tightened his grip around his sister. "Hey, Len," she began, blushing a bit. "Remember the first week or so, when we saw Meiko-nee-chan and Kaito-nii?"
"Yeah, I remember. They were all over you like you were their daughter," Len replied, beginning to kiss her neck.
"Do you think…maybe we could end up like that?"
Len smiled. "Already thinking of the future are we?" he asked, placing his head on her shoulder and inhaling her orange scent. "How many kids are we going to have, Rin?"
Rin's face turned a deep sizzling red. "I-I never said a-any of that, y-you pervert!"
"But you were thinking it."
Rin fiddled with her black skirt. "I was just saying that we could be a happy couple, you know?"
Len moved his arms and grabbed her hands, smiling. "I'm happy, are you happy?"
"So that makes us a happy couple!" Len cried, waving his arms in the air and causing Rin to look at him. She grabbed his hands and placed them around her waist again. "I was just kidding…"
Rin punched his arm lightly. "Ow," he muttered. He lowered his hands to her panties and noticed that they were soaked. "My, my, Rin, you're wet."
She smiled. "I know."
Len cleared his throat and said with that same, clear, foreign accent, "Where would the madame like to go? Has she decided?"
Rin smiled and kissed him lightly on his lips. "To the stars," she replied.
"Well then, hold on tight, we have a long way to go." And their activity began as a new and happy couple.
Hey, everyone.
Well, Rin and I are most likely already halfway there by the time you're reading this. I know, why go back? We wanted to see our other family for Christmas. And Rin wanted me to spend time with her, so I had to come with. Honsestly, I would have just left her-
There was a space on the paper where it seemed that Len was interuppted. It then continued with neater, curved handwriting.
Hey all!
Apparently, Len doesn't understand family holidays are meant to be spent with your families. We are already most likely on the subway right now, so don't you worry your frilly little asses about us! We're fine!
Len said that we might be back for New Year, so we could say our prayers together! Do you know how excited I got when I heard that? Very! I'll get to see you all again.
It's pretty sad, I already miss you. Could you believe that? I can't grasp that. Len said that its homesickness or whatever term it was.
Home sickness… Was written in small letters, in sloppy handwriting.
Anyway! I can't wait to see you guys when we get back! The city here is a lot better than the country judging by popularity, but with fresh air, that place damn rules!
Looks like I gotta go, Len's givin' me that 'shut the hell up and give me the damn paper before I strangle you' look. Talk to you later!
The writing continued to become more sloppy indicating that Len was writing again.
Leaving her would be nice as I said earlier. But I have to bring her, she's my sister, whether I like it or not. But it's still fun to have her and her baby personality to tag along. Well, we'll see you all as soon as we can!
Kagamine Rin & Len.