望舒离吧 关注:4贴子:111
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蒹 葭 The Reeds 


  蒹葭苍苍,How the reeds run riot and green,  白露为霜。 As white dews are turning to frost!  所谓伊人, Where is my beloved I find lost?  在水一方。 It is somewhere about the stream.  溯洄从之, Going upstream to quest her sheen,  道阻且长。 How struggling I find is the stream!  溯游从之,Going downstream to seek her sheen,  宛在水中央。"Lo! She seems right amid the stream."  蒹葭萋萋,How the reeds run flourish and wide,  白露未晞。As white dews haven’t dried up yet!  所谓伊人,Where is my beloved I will get?  在水之湄。 It is somewhere on the shore side.  溯洄从之, Going upstream to quest her sheen,  道阻且跻。How arduous I find is the guide!  溯游从之,Going downstream to seek her sheen,  宛在水中坻。 "Lo! She seems right at an islet."  蒹葭采采,How the reeds run lush and clear,  白露未已。 As white dews haven’t yet been sere!  所谓伊人,Where is my beloved I will pride?  在水之涘。 It is somewhere on water’s side.  溯洄从之,Going upstream to quest her gleam,  道阻且右。How strenuous I find is the way!  溯游从之,Going downstream to seek her gleam,  宛在水中沚。"Lo! She seems right at midstream’s cay."

1楼2012-05-17 20:08回复

    2楼2012-07-03 10:15