SBTA Sorry, Being Thick Again
SH Sh** Happens
SITD Still In The Dark
SNAFU Situation Normal, All F***ed Up
SOL Sh** Out of Luck
SorG Straight or Gay?
SSDD Same Sh** Different Day
STFU Shut The F*** Up
STM Spank The Monkey
STYS Speak To You Soon
SUYF Shut Up You Fool
SWAG Scientific Wild Ass Guess
SWAK Sent (or Sealed) With A Kiss
SWDYT So What Do You Think?
SH Sh** Happens
SITD Still In The Dark
SNAFU Situation Normal, All F***ed Up
SOL Sh** Out of Luck
SorG Straight or Gay?
SSDD Same Sh** Different Day
STFU Shut The F*** Up
STM Spank The Monkey
STYS Speak To You Soon
SUYF Shut Up You Fool
SWAG Scientific Wild Ass Guess
SWAK Sent (or Sealed) With A Kiss
SWDYT So What Do You Think?