av294016 辛苦死我了..
只要用心去祈愿 奇迹必定会再度出现
If only pray with heart,miracle will must appear
温柔的声音去续写 早已扭曲的未来画面
Tender sound writes the future has already been twisted
只因与你坚守的那契约 创造不哭泣的世界
only coz keep that promise withu to create the world without tear
血色中 正义的天平被扭转
In blood,the scale of justice is turned
本该传递却最终随风消逝 响彻的呐喊和祈愿
should be passed on,but dimished in wind.The cry and pray sound loud
Even if no relief,still have to run alone with time and destiny
血色之花 映照着绮丽月光
Flower of blood shine along with the moonlight
在夜空中绽放 消失在那悲伤开始的地方
Blossom in nightsky,disappear at where the sadness begins
Finger pointing at your eyes
子弹装进枪膛 以你的叹息 为最后不变的信仰 信じて
Gun loaded,sighed,faith not changing
背负世间的罪孽 渴望澄澈的世界
desiring the clean and peace of it,Carry the sin of the world
迷茫之心已冻结 冲出阴霾笼罩的苍天
rushing out to the sky which is dark and sinful,The lost hear is cooled
只想有你陪伴在身边 寻找共同的喜悦
Only wish if u are here by my side,looking for the happiness we all share
携手跨越 冰雪覆盖的季节
Toghther,walk over the season which is covered by snow
纵使面对 冰冷刺骨的火焰 将此身燃烧湮灭
Even if facing the fire that is cold which would burn this body to ash
Only looking for your forever smile
The pain of the dream
生命去向何方 心中在彷徨
wondering deep inside the mind where the life would go
满怀着梦想却回不到那澄净模样 返したい
full of dream but cannot go back
唯有悲伤痕迹 却无法抹消去
Only the mark left by sadness cannot be erased
The torn heart cannot be repaired
甚至将那塑造人心之理 也要用双手 去撕裂毁弃
Even with bare hands to tear the heart of the maker and to destroy
血色之花 映照着绮丽月光
Flower of blood shine along with the moonlight
在夜空中绽放 消失在那梦想崩坏的地方
Blossom in nightsky,disappear at where the dream molders
far away, the sealed hope still facing there
在那悠远苍茫 黑暗中封藏 陪伴你的过往
In that lonely darkness sealing the past with you
心中仍在回响 那温柔的歌唱
Heart still echoing that tender song
只要用心去祈愿 奇迹必定会再度出现
If only pray with heart,miracle will must appear
温柔的声音去续写 早已扭曲的未来画面
Tender sound writes the future has already been twisted
只因与你坚守的那契约 创造不哭泣的世界
only coz keep that promise withu to create the world without tear
血色中 正义的天平被扭转
In blood,the scale of justice is turned
本该传递却最终随风消逝 响彻的呐喊和祈愿
should be passed on,but dimished in wind.The cry and pray sound loud
Even if no relief,still have to run alone with time and destiny
血色之花 映照着绮丽月光
Flower of blood shine along with the moonlight
在夜空中绽放 消失在那悲伤开始的地方
Blossom in nightsky,disappear at where the sadness begins
Finger pointing at your eyes
子弹装进枪膛 以你的叹息 为最后不变的信仰 信じて
Gun loaded,sighed,faith not changing
背负世间的罪孽 渴望澄澈的世界
desiring the clean and peace of it,Carry the sin of the world
迷茫之心已冻结 冲出阴霾笼罩的苍天
rushing out to the sky which is dark and sinful,The lost hear is cooled
只想有你陪伴在身边 寻找共同的喜悦
Only wish if u are here by my side,looking for the happiness we all share
携手跨越 冰雪覆盖的季节
Toghther,walk over the season which is covered by snow
纵使面对 冰冷刺骨的火焰 将此身燃烧湮灭
Even if facing the fire that is cold which would burn this body to ash
Only looking for your forever smile
The pain of the dream
生命去向何方 心中在彷徨
wondering deep inside the mind where the life would go
满怀着梦想却回不到那澄净模样 返したい
full of dream but cannot go back
唯有悲伤痕迹 却无法抹消去
Only the mark left by sadness cannot be erased
The torn heart cannot be repaired
甚至将那塑造人心之理 也要用双手 去撕裂毁弃
Even with bare hands to tear the heart of the maker and to destroy
血色之花 映照着绮丽月光
Flower of blood shine along with the moonlight
在夜空中绽放 消失在那梦想崩坏的地方
Blossom in nightsky,disappear at where the dream molders
far away, the sealed hope still facing there
在那悠远苍茫 黑暗中封藏 陪伴你的过往
In that lonely darkness sealing the past with you
心中仍在回响 那温柔的歌唱
Heart still echoing that tender song