You said that in your Facebook. " Can’t believe the games are over, see***ike yesterday we were walking into the stadium with nerves of excitement and dreams of Gold. The dust has settled, the medals handed out. Some have fulfilled their dreams, and others have come up short. The true beauty of the Olympics, however, is happening now and will continue up until opening ceremonies in Rio 2016. The beauty I'm referring to is the bea... uty of determination, grit, will, work, pain, sacrifice, etc.. For those who came up short in these games, what will they change to get on top in Rio? For those who won Gold, what will they use to keep their motivation up to repeat as the world’s best? Think about it! All over the world athletes are training. Someone, somewhere, while no one is watching, no TVs, no flags, no fanfare, is going to push a little harder and train a little smarter and that's going to be the difference and what separates them from the pack. Do you think there is a kid somewhere out there ambitious enough to want to take down Phelps’ medal count? As you look back on the games and think towards Rio don't forget to follow some of the athletes and their stories. You never know, you may find a Bolt before the rest of the world does.. Much love and respect to all the athletes. This was my last Olympics. I enjoyed it to the fullest. Train for Gold NOW!!! Best of luck to you all. Mamba out" 如果我在中国一定跑去济南银座看你 我知道你要去中国可不知道你要去济南 我只知道你要去广州弄的我兴奋了好久,终于平静下来之后才知道你的首站是济南,两个多小时的路程不吃不喝就到了,那样我就终于可以和你站在一块土地和你呼吸一样的空气和你分享同样的阳光了,那样我们之间再也没有时差终于可以真实的活在有你的世界了。 可后来一想,如果真在国内的话一定会胆怯的不敢踏上去济南的征程,我怕自己像个初中小女生犯花痴一样无法自控,我对你的感情和她们不一样,看见你我会很不好意思的。只有对待自己一见钟情并且爱的迫切的人才会红了脸故作镇定,我害怕,我有选择困难症,等我做好了抉择你早就飞回了洛杉矶。 你说的话都好有道理,这样你又会受到很多Fans的追捧了吧,他们又要很激动的说你好厉害了吧。我也想这样说,可为了能抵达你的身边,我想把自己变得和他们不一样,我想真正在你的一言一行里去了解你去理解你明白你真正想要的。我知道看到我这个想法的人都觉得不切实际甚至用不了太久就抛到脑后了,可是他们都不知道我有多坚决,我一定会站在有你的土地上的,一定会和你享受一片阳光呼吸同样的空气毫无时差概念,我一定会去洛杉矶或者意大利的,一定会的。我不会跟你发誓的,因为我已经预料到我没有抵达你身边的原因了,我都知道,但我不会说的,如果我放弃了那也还是爱你,不过换了另外的方式。 我不指望我能把距离拉的多近,我只期待着能够看到你过好每一天享受你的游戏你的比赛你的友情爱情亲情,能够保护好自己照顾好自己每天都开心,这样就够了。 我给不了你崇高的爱,更何况你根本不需要,我能给的于我而言最伟大的爱于你而言却是如此卑微。 我不后悔也不觉得委屈,就算满腔的心血100%感情全部像是滴水入海毫无波澜甚至传达不到海中央,这些都不重要,我不在意。
这还是你刚到伦敦的时候和嫂子拍的呢,国人都叫他枷锁,外国人喜欢喊他Pau。 穿着制服的你一点肌肉都看不出来,瘦的像个麻杆,也像个衣服架子穿什么都好看。 那时候你说,“Proud of mi hermano Pau. Being the flag bearer for your country is beyond an honor. This is us at the opening ceremony as we get set for our march toward the stadium and toward a possible showdown for the GOLD.”