茶余饭后柠檬吧吧 关注:2,154贴子:232,805
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Welcome to the black parade


When I was a young boy,
My Father took me into the city,
To see a marching band.
He said "Son when you grow up, would you be the savior of the broken, the beaten and the damned."
He said "will you defeat them, your demons and all the non-believers, the plans they have made."
"Because one day I leave you,
A phantom to lead you in the summer,
To join the black parade."

来自手机贴吧1楼2012-09-12 15:26回复
    Sometimes I get the feeling
    She's watching over me.
    And other times I feel like I should go.
    And through it all, the rise and fall, the bodies in the streets.
    When you're gone we want you all to know.
    We'll carry on,
    We'll carry on
    And though you're dead and gone believe me
    Your memory will carry on
    Carry on
    We'll carry on
    And in my heart I can't contain it
    The anthem wont explain it.

    来自手机贴吧2楼2012-09-12 15:31

      来自手机贴吧3楼2012-09-12 15:37

        来自Android客户端4楼2012-09-12 16:52

          来自Android客户端5楼2012-09-15 17:27