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V1.1补丁 Change Log翻译



IP属地:四川1楼2012-11-14 17:00回复
    太阳帝国的原罪:起义 V1.1 Change Log
    · 新地图一共25张(这里就不列出来了,包括五张新的随机地图)
    · 所有的轻巡洋舰(小艇)现在不会受到有害的泰坦技能的影响。唯二的例外是爆破射击(棍子),仍然会将小艇推出AOE的范围。而深渊吞噬(大鱼)仍然会把小艇吸入 AOE的范围。(但不会以他们为目标)
    ·调整了外交协议的影响,现在每一条协议会增加友军关系(外交行动)0.2(最多 2.4)
    25%的伤害奖励现在不只会影响原本就在星区内的友军船只,也会作用于在持续时间 能跳入星区的船只。
    ·泰坦:每级提升的生命值从405提高到445,护盾提升从530提高到580,护甲提升从 0.6提升到0.65

    IP属地:四川2楼2012-11-14 17:01
      [ Gameplay ]
      New Maps! We've added dozens of new maps, including
      competitive multiplayer variants which normalize resources, militia and other
      factors (thanks to Pbhead and GoaFan77 for these). New maps include:
      The Art of War Competitive
      Battle Lines / Battle Lines Competitive
      Blitz / Blitz Competitive
      Close Encounters Competitive
      Crystal Storm / Crystal Storm Competitive
      Double Cross Competitive
      Empires at War
      Foreign Invasion Competitive
      Fractured Lands / Fractured Lands Competitive
      Gemini / Gemini Competitive
      Hostile Orbits / Hostile Orbits Competitive
      Kabel Competitive
      Maelstrom Competitive
      Melting Point Competitive
      New Dawn / New Dawn Competitive
      Pandemonium Competitive
      Quick Strike Competitive
      Random - Huge Multi-Star Competitive
      Random - Huge Ring Competitive
      Random - Huge Single-Star Competitive
      Random - Large Multi-Star Competitive
      Random - Large Single-Star Competitive
      Random - Medium Competitive
      Random - Mini / Random - Mini Competitive
      Random - Small Competitive
      Random - Vast / Random - Vast Competitive
      Razor's Edge Competitive
      Storm Front Competitive
      Tempest Competitive
      The Void
      Triple Entente Competitive
      Twin Empires Competitive
      Typhoon Competitive
      Unstable Alliance Competitive
      Whirlwind Competitive
      All corvettes are now unaffected by most harmful Titan abilitiesExceptions
      are Explosive Shot, which will still knockback corvettes in the AoE, and The
      Maw, which will still potentially draw in corvettes in the AoE (but won't
      specifically target them).
      Ships should no longer try to use abilities on invulnerable targets.
      Corvettes will no longer be explicitly targeted by Cleansing Brilliance or
      Reverie abilities (but may still be affected by them).
      Corvettes are no longer affected by Magnetic Clouds.
      Adjusted relationship bonuses per Pact with allies to grant a 0.2 Diplomatic
      Actions bonus per unique Pact (to a maximum of 2.4).
      Adjusted relationship penalties per Pact with enemies to grant a -0.5
      Diplomatic Actions penalty per unique Pact (to a maximum of -6.0).
      TEC Loyalists
      Titan: Can now cast Group Shield on itself.
      Titan: Increased started HP from 5400 to 5500; increased starting Armor from
      11 to 12.
      TEC Rebels
      Titan: AutoCannon damage increased from 110.5 to 121.52; Missile damage
      increased from 127.5 to 140.25.
      Advent (General)
      Deliverance Engine Balance Changes:
      Cannonshell speed increased from 12000 to 36000 (moving at the speed of
      Culture Spread effect increased from 5 to 15.
      The 25% damage buff to Advent player owned ships will now affect incoming
      ships as well as those already in the gravity well when the shot hits.

      IP属地:美国3楼2012-11-14 17:59

        5楼2012-11-15 15:40
          吾等大学学生狗没那么多时间研究啊 擦擦擦
          另外 求群号 终于要到了磨刀的时代了 理论的时代已经过了 果然还是要被虐虐才能心安
          虽然我手上的是盗版 不过还是想试试玩家对战再决定是否转正(现在商务本不允许转正.....
          打人机已经厌了 虽然我不认为能单挑邪恶 不过基本操作我还行吧 至少科技树我还能记得点 想改改那种不会把握游戏节奏的坏习惯
          QQ506952974 有人看见就拖我吧 从零学起 实践才能出真理啊.....大吧那边果然单机党还是居多 自认为理论知识已经差不多了 我诚恳请求想试试联机的感觉
          另外:我是第34个会员哦 骚年

          IP属地:重庆6楼2012-12-13 22:49