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IP属地:湖北1楼2012-11-26 21:53回复

    IP属地:湖北3楼2012-11-26 21:54

      IP属地:湖北4楼2012-11-26 21:54
        When Harry confronts Riddle in the Chamber of Secrets, Riddle has almost developed into a corporeal form. Riddle steals Harry's wand and reveals that he is a preserved memory of Voldemort from before his rise to power: his full name, Tom Marvolo Riddle, is an anagram of ‘I am Lord Voldemort’. He is also the heir of Slytherin; he tells Harry that he controlled Ginny through his diary and forced her to open the Chamber and attack Muggle-borns.
        Riddle orders the Basilisk to kill Harry, speaking to it in Parseltongue.
        Riddle thinks that the venom from the Basilisk fang in Harry's arm will kill him, but Harry is cured by Fawkes' tears. Harry uses the Basilisk fang to pierce Riddle's diary, causing ink to spurt out of it in torrents. After writhing, twisting, screaming and flailing in agony, Riddle vanishes.

        According to Dumbledore, Riddle was one of the most brilliant students Hogwarts had ever seen. Few people connect Riddle with the adult Voldemort; by the time he resurfaced as the latter, he had undergone so many magical transformations that he no longer resembled the sixteen-year-old who opened the Chamber of Secrets.

        IP属地:湖北5楼2012-11-26 21:55

          Tom Riddle is the owner of the mysterious diary that Harry finds in Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom. While he was a student at Hogwarts he won a Special Award for Services to the School, a Medal for Magical Merit and he was also Head Boy.
          Through his diary Riddle tells Harry that he was a student at Hogwarts the last time the Chamber of Secrets was opened. He also shows Harry his memory of the night he caught Hagrid, whom he accused of being behind the attacks. In the memory Riddle is a tall, sixteen-year-old boy with jet-black hair not unlike Harry's.

          IP属地:湖北6楼2012-11-27 21:24
             Pottermore是JK罗琳女士于2011年八月新推出的围绕《哈利·波特》书籍内容而建立的一个大型全球性网页社交游戏网站,目的在于带给全球哈迷一个新的社交体验。网站提供《哈利·波特》系列七本小说的电子书和有声读物付费下载,网站还将推出超过18,000字的附加内容,包括一些故事背景的细节和设置。   7月31日至8月6日,7天时间内发放超过1,000,000个内测名额(现已截止),目前处于即将展开全球内测的阶段(8月中旬开始内测,直至9月底),吸引了大批哈迷们的关注和加入。   网站已于2012年4月14日开放。

            IP属地:湖北7楼2012-11-27 21:26

              IP属地:湖北8楼2012-11-27 21:26

                IP属地:湖北9楼2012-11-27 21:26