c1234asdf吧 关注:85贴子:3,671
  • 5回复贴,共1



- I ain''t got no body! (用唱的) 我没有身体~~~~
- I''m invisible, gaseous, and deadly! 我是隐形的,气态的,致命的!
- [.vs 英雄] Glory to the scourge! 为了天罚的荣耀!
- More souls for the Master! 更多的灵魂将会归于我主
- Die! 死!
- Let screams fill the air! 让尖叫充斥天空!
- Feel my rath! 感受我的愤怒!
- For the Master! 为了我主!
死亡骑士- (英雄,城镇中心)
- The pact is sealed! 契约已订!
- You called? 你召唤我吗?
- My patience has ended! 我的耐心已尽!
- I am the Darkness! 我就是黑暗!
- My vengence is yours! 你就是我的复仇!
- Let battle be joined! 加入战斗!
- As you order! 听从命令!
- Hiyah! 嗨呀!
- At last! 终于!
- For the Lich King!为了巫妖王!
- Has hell frozen over yet? 地狱还没有冻住吗?
- I am the one horseman of the Apocalypse. 我是天命骑士之一。
- I hate people, but I love gatherings! 我恨人们,但我喜欢收藏品
- I''m a Death Night Rider! Muh ha ha ha 我是一个死亡骑士(死掉的夜骑士)!啊哈哈哈
- Blueca!**
- Don''t touch me... I''m evil! 别碰我……我是邪恶的!
- [.vs 英雄] Let terror reign! 让恐惧统治一切吧!
- Feel my rath! 感受我的愤怒!
- Ride or die! 逃跑还是受死!
- By Nazul! 以Ner ''zhul的名义
恐惧之王- (英雄,城镇中心)
- The night beckons! 夜在召唤!
- Greetings! 向您问候!
- What, mortal? 什么事,主人
- What is it now? 现在呢?
- I must hunt soon! 我立即行动!
- That was my plan! 正是我的计划!
- Agreed! 同意!
- Very well. 很好!
- You thought of that? 你也那么想?
- If I have wings, why am I always walking? 既然我有翅膀,为什么我总是步行?
- (电话铃声) Yes? Arrgghh! For the last time, I''m a Dread Lord, not a Drug Lord! 喂?啊!!我说最后一次,我是一个恐
- This is not a dress, it''s the standard Dread Lord uniform!这不是一般的服装,这是恐怖魔王标准套装!
- Dress to kill! Blah! 是穿来杀人的!废话!
- (电话铃声) Yes? Darkness, hey, what''s up? The Demon Hunter left you a message? No, I don''t have his number. 喂?
- And then, after I overthrow this fool... Oh! Hello! I didn''t know you were there. 然后,我揭穿这个笨蛋……啊,喂
- Imbisile! 不可思议
- [.vs 英雄] Your soul is mine! 你的灵魂属于我!
- I hunger! 我饥渴!
- Deathrageous! 死之怒!
- Die! 死吧!
巫妖- (英雄,城镇中心)
- The ancient evil survives! 远古邪恶生还了!
- I am sworn to Nazul! 我效忠于Ner ''zhul !
- Thy bidding? 你的命令?
- Direct me! 指示我吧!
- Yours to command! 由你指挥!
- [清醒] Cllleeaarrr! 了 解!!!
- [冰霜铠甲] Nazul protect them!Ner ''zhul保护他们!
- [冰河] Freeze! 结冻吧
- [召唤冰龙] Rise from your grave! 从坟墓中复活吧!
- So be it! 正是如此!
- By your words! 听你的!
- It it destined! 这是宿命!
- Dead man walking! 死者在行走啊!
- Chilling! 颤抖吧!
- Could you chew that up for me? 能帮我咀嚼一下吗?
- I''m so poor, I don''t even have calcium deposits! 我真可怜,我甚至连个钙质的驱壳都没有。
- I am the Ghost of Warcraft past.我是魔兽之幽灵。
- I hear that banshee''s a real screamer! 我听见女妖还真是能喊哪!
- You should see the skeletons in my closet! 你该看看我橱子里的骷髅!
- Im hoe chap!**
- All the ladies dig rigor mortis. 女人们在掘坟。
- You are the Weakest Link, goodbye! 你是最烂的链接,再见
- [.vs 英雄] For the burning Legion! 为了燃烧军团!
- Embrace the end! 接受这个结局吧!
- I will crush you! 我要灭了你!
- Embrace the cold!接受寒冷吧! 

1楼2013-01-11 00:48回复
    - Victory for Lordearon!洛丹伦必胜!(头盔掉下来了)
    - Dost thou speak unto me?* 汝谓吾呼?(呵呵,古文)
    - By the Gods you''re annoying! 以上帝的名义……您真是烦!
    - I never say: Ni! 我从来没说过Ni!
    - Damn helmet, can''t seem to get ... this ... thing. (从头盔里传出的模糊声音) 该死的头盔,摘不下来(马的哀鸣声)
    - [.vs 英雄] For honor, for freedom! 为了荣誉,为了自由!
    - For the King! 为了国王!
    - Have at thee! 进攻汝!
    - To the death! 受死吧!
    牧师 -
    - I come to cleanse this land! 我为净化这片土地而来
    - What ails you? 是什么困扰着你?
    - Yes, my friend. 是,我的朋友。
    - Is my aid required? 需要我的帮助吗?
    - Is someone injured? 有人受伤了吗?
    - [驱魔] Be gone spawn of Darkness! 消失吧!黑暗之子
    - [治疗] Be well! 好
    - Of course! 当然
    - I am your servant! 为您服务!
    - As you wish. 如你所愿
    - Right away. 马上
    - Scalpel... spounge... magic wand. 手术刀……海绵……魔法杖
    - There is peace and serenity within the Light. 光芒照耀着和平与宁静
    - Clear! (能听到电流声) 明白!
    - Crossover children... crossover into the Light! 穿越吧,孩子……找到光明!
    - I have been chosen by the big metal hand in the sky! 我被天上的巨大铁手选中了(鼠标指针)
    - Side affects may include dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, water retention, painful rectal itch, hallucination,
    dementia, psychosis, coma, death and halitosis. Magic is not for everyone. Consult your doctor before use. 可能的副

    - [.vs 英雄] For the memory of Quelforloss!** 为了Quelforloss的回忆!
    - Be gone spawn of Darkness! 消失吧,黑暗之子!
    - Now feel my rath! 现在,感受我的愤怒吧!
    - By the power of the Light, burn! 以光明力量的名义,燃烧吧!
    - The flows of magic are whimsical today! 今天的魔法波动反复无常
    - Do you require aid, human? 需要帮助吗,人类?
    - This better be good. 最好如此
    - Help me, help you. 帮助我就是帮助你
    - What''ll it be hot shot?*
    - Kick down sparky.
    - [隐形] See ya later!* 一会见!
    - [减速] What''s your hurry? 你慌什么?
    - [水元素] It''s time to get wet! 是时候来点水份了
    - If you insist. 如果你坚持的话
    - What a good idea. 真是个好主意
    - It''s about time. 是时候了
    - Once again, it''s up to the elves. 事情又由精灵来决定了
    - Click my baby, one more time! 点我呀,宝贝,再来一次!
    - Maybe you should get a strategy guide! 也许你需要一本战略指导
    - I don''t remember casting slow on you. 我不记得对你施了缓慢
    - You don''t get out much do you? 你不太明白,是吧?
    - Let''s chat on Battle.net sometime. 我们改天在战网上聊吧
    - For the "End of the World" spell, press Ctrl+Alt+Delete. 想用世界末曰魔法,按Ctrl+Alt+Delete

    3楼2013-01-11 00:50
      - Ready to work! 准备工作
      - Hmmm? 恩?
      - Yes? 是的?
      - Something need doing? 要做点什么吗?
      - What you want? 你想要什么?
      - Okie dokie. 好的好的
      - Be happy to. 很乐意
      - Work, work. 干活呀干活
      - I can do that. 我做的了
      - Whhaaaaaattt? 什 么???
      - Me busy, leave me alone. 我很忙,别烦我
      - No time for play. 没时间玩耍
      - Me not that kind of Orc. 我不是那种兽人
      - [.vs 英雄] Why not? 为什么不?
      - I''ll try 我试一下
      - Get em! 扁他们!
      - Ok 好!
      - Owww! 喔
      - My life for the Horde! 为部落而生!
      - Yes? 是的?
      - Huh? 哈?
      - Master? 主人?
      - What you want? 你想要我干什么?
      - Loktar! 兽人语
      - Zugzug! 兽人语
      - Dabu! 兽人语
      - Swobu! 兽人语
      - Why you poking me again? 为什么又戳我?
      - Why don''t you lead an army instead of touching me? 你怎么不去指挥部队而一直碰我?
      - Poke, poke, poke, is that all you do? 戳戳戳,你就会干这个吗?
      - Eww, that was kind of nice. 呃,这还差不多
      - Me so horned, me hurt you long time! 我有角,我会伤到你的哦
      - Me no sound like Yoda, do I? 我听起来不象尤达(星战系列),(以尤达的口气)是吗?
      - It not easy being green... (用唱的) 绿皮肤可不简单哟~
      - [.vs 英雄] For the Horde! 为了部落!
      - Hiyah! 嗨呀!
      - Time for killing! 杀戮的时刻到了!
      - Time to die! 去死吧!
      - Venegence for Zulti
      - Who you want me kill? 想让我杀谁?
      - What? 什么?
      - Wasch you want me do?* 想让我干吗?(Wasch you=what you,读读看是不是这样?)
      - Wasch you want me go?* 想让我去哪?(该是where''j you,参见battle.net creeps中的Forest troll页)
      - Ahhh! 啊!
      - Anything you want 怎样都行
      - Joo got it man!* 了解了兄弟
      - Yeah, hehe hehe hehe he! 耶~呵呵,呵呵,呵呵,呵!
      - Wasch you bother me for?* 为什么烦我
      - Leave it to me, I take a big weight off your shoulders! 交给我吧,我给你减轻负担
      - Schoo wanna buy a cigar?* (Schoo = you) 你想来只烟吗?
      - Luuucyy!
      - Say hello to my lil friend.跟我的小朋友说声好
      - [.vs 英雄] Asdingo! 兽人语
      - Asdingo! 兽人语
      - Don''t mess with the bad guy! 别跟坏孩子在一起!
      - It''s time for a lil blood! 血债血偿!
      弩车 - (注解:音效全是噪音没有文字 )
      牛头人 -
      - May my ancestors watch over me! 愿我的祖先注视着我!
      - Bring it on! 来吧!
      - I am able to help! 我帮的上忙
      - How now! 现在怎么样?
      - For the Tribes! 为了部落!
      - Immediately! 马上!
      - Well done! 干的好!
      - Do not push me, or I wil impale you on my horns! 别推我,要不我会用我的角顶你。
      - Doubles!
      - Got Milk? 要奶吗?
      - There''s a lot at stake here! 别的地方有很多树桩!
      - Hey, what are these letters burned on my ass? 嗨,在我PP上印的什么字?

      6楼2013-01-11 00:52
        - I''m game. 我有兴趣
        - Gladly! 很乐意
        - I''m not the Dryad you''re looking for. 我不是你要找的那只树妖
        - Doh! 哆来米的哆/母鹿^-^
        - Fear the fearsome fury of the forest fawn! (绕口令诶,快读一遍看看会不会咬到舌头?)为森林小鹿可怕的愤怒而恐惧吧
        - You communicate by clicking on me, I communicate by doing what you say. 你通过点击和我交流,而我通过行动和你交流。
        - I''m not in season! 现在是禁猎期!(or:现在非发情期?eek...)
        - I got a few bucks set aside for later. 以后我得找头公鹿呆在我旁边
        - Fall like leaves... in fall! (又是绕口令?)象秋天的树叶一样坠落吧
        - I don''t reveal much on the mini map. It''s all my fault.我没探出太多地图,这都是我的错(呜咽)
        - I''ll attract the enemy with my human call: I''m so wasted, I''m so wasted! 好吧,我会用我的人类声音去吸引敌人的…
        - [.vs 英雄] For Calendor!** 为了kalimdor!(Calendor应为Kalimdor—夜精灵的家园,下同)
        - Die, infidel! 死吧,异端!
        - Taste my spear! 尝尝我的标枪!
        - The hunt is on! 打猎开始了!
        - Aim dead center! 瞄准要害!
        - The sleeper has awakened! 沉睡者已经醒来
        - I''m awake, I''m awake! 我醒来了~我醒来了~
        - Our time is short! 我们时间紧迫
        - Where shall I strike? 我该攻击哪里?
        - My strength is yours! 我的力量是属于你的!
        - [熊形态] Things are about to get Grizzly! 有东西要变成灰色(灰熊)了!
        - [冬眠] Sleep, and be healed! 睡吧,得到治疗
        - My path is clear. 我的道路通畅
        - At once. 马上
        - Of course. 当然
        - Unodurah!** 夜精灵语
        - Only you can prevent forest fires! (听起来象是恶棍 McGruff, 森林熊) 只有你能够阻止森林火灾
        - I''d rather be hibernating! 我宁愿去冬眠
        - He wasn''t fuzzy, was he? 这家伙没有绒毛,是吧?
        - Da Bears!* 熊!
        - Got any gummy humans? 你有胶水吗?人类
        - Can''t... stop... dancing!情不自禁的跳舞 (音乐响起)
        - Quit clicking on my bare ass!* 别点我的光(熊)PP了
        - [.vs 英雄] In Nordrasil''s name!** 以Nordrasil之名义!
        - Die, infidel! 死吧,异端!
        - Bear arms!* 熊之利爪!/ 空手搏斗!
        - I''m make short work of them! 我很快就能解决他们!
        猛禽德鲁伊- (注解: 这些人没在1.03存在 但还是有声音文件. 恩~~~~暴雪!)***
        - By the Great Winds, I come! 我随风而来!
        - Out with it! 脱颖而出
        - I am prepared. 准备就绪
        - Enlighten me! 指导我吧
        - Thy bidding? 汝之命令?(Lich也有这一句古文,这两个家伙都是活了几千几万岁的老古董)
        - No one shall be the wiser. 没人比我更贤明
        - It has begun! 开始了!
        - For my brothers! 为了我的兄弟们!
        - That''s a given. 理所当然
        - This outfit is for the birds. 这是鸟德制服
        - I''d tell you more, but then I''d have to kill you. 我会告诉你更多,然后,我就不得不杀了你
        - I am the Dark Night...Elf 我是黑暗(骑士)夜……精灵
        - Ahhgggcho! Uh! Don''t tell me I''m allergic to feathers! 啊~~~喔~~~别告诉我我对羽毛过敏
        - I ride on the Great Winds! I am silent but deadly! 我御风而行,我是沉默的,也是致命的!
        - Talon, Druid of the Talon. 猛禽,猛禽德鲁伊
        - How about if I just stand over here? 我站在这里不动总可以了吧?
        - [.vs 英雄] For Calendor!** 为了Kalimdor!
        - No quarter! 永不对敌人仁慈!
        - Make your peace! 归于和平吧!
        - In the Raven''s name! 以乌鸦座的名义!
        恶魔猎手[已变身: 5级或以上] - (英雄,城镇中心) (注解: 和下面正常的恶魔猎手一样的声音文件, 没有在[ ]的特殊行动/执行动 

        10楼2013-01-11 00:54

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