For Shivani Bhardwaj, an MBA professional, this move can help a great deal provided celebrities’ support isn’t limited to the event they are asked to be part of. “Agreed, nothing can beat the impact that celebrities can leave on the minds of the people. But what’s also important is stars’ consistent efforts to spread the word.”
“If someone like Salman Khan and Aamir Khan contribute to a social cause, it can’t be irrelevant. But have we really had any star who have supported a cause because they felt for it? I wish we had more such celebrities,” said HR professional Kritika Gupta.
“I feel celebrities only fake it when they attend events wherein they support noble causes. If they really feel for it, they should take stringent measure to implement the same,” says DU student Anna Lewis.
"Even if celebrities are serious about the noble cause they are extending support to, the move always gets fathomed as a way to help celebrities build socially conscious image," replies Chetna Kapoor.
宝莱坞业界人士Chetna Kapoor则为影星们叫屈:「即使这些影星们是多麼的真心认真的看待这些崇高志业,发自内心的认同并给予支持或是投身其中,这些举动永远都会被揣测曲解,被解读为是这些明星们又想透过这些方式,形塑自己的社会形象,提高自己的社会评价等等之类的自私行为。」