GW Panther
- gets kicked from T6 to T7
- top speed limited to 46km/h
- stock suspension turnrate reduced from 26 to 24, 2nd suspension turnrate reduced from 28 to 26
- gun spread caused by turning increased for both suspensions
- loading time and gun accuracy nerfed
- stock engine was removed
- 7阶
- 极速降为46公里/小时
- 白板悬挂转速从26降为24,第二条悬挂转速从28降为26
- 旋转扩圈增加
- 装弹和精度下降
- 白板发动机移除
Lorraine 155 50
- hitpoints slightly improved
- moved one tier up
- terrain passability nerfed
- gun spread from turning increased
- turnrate improved for both suspensions
- ROF nerfed
- radios reworked
洛林 15550
- 血量少量增加
- 7阶
- 悬挂通过能力下降
- 移动扩圈加大
- 转速加快
- 射速下降
- 通讯电台重做
- speed nerfed (by 2km/h)
- more HP
- moved one tier higher
- both suspensions got terrain passability nerfed
- both suspensions: more gun spread from turning
- followed by SU-14 for 146k XP
- gun traverse nerfed from 6 to 4
- stock gun now has twice as much ammo and a bit better reload time
- B-4 has 25 percent higher reload time, spread and aim time increased (nerfed) by 50 percent
- 速度下降2公里/小时
- 血量增加
- 6阶
- 悬挂通过能力下降
- 移动扩圈加大
- 升级去SU-14要14.6万经验
- 射界从6度下降为4度
- 白板炮载弹量加倍,射速下降
- B-4增加25%的上弹时间,精度和瞄准时间削弱50%
US M12
- mover one tier up
- maximum speed nerfed
- the suspension spread nerf is apparently planned
- 升1阶
- 极速下降
- 移动扩圈加大
- moved one tier up
- agility and mobility buffed
- armor was apparently made historical
- 升1阶
- 机动能力下降
- 装甲还原史实
- guns weren't touched at all
- mobility nerfed a bit
- 炮没变
- 机动能力下降
- moved to tier 10
- buffed turned rate
- engines were reworked
- maximum speed was nerfed
- 10阶
- 转动能力加强
- 发动机重做
- 极速下降
Batchat 155
- moved to tier 10
- added new stock suspension
- 2nd suspension had its terrain passability nerfed a bit
- turnrate was buffed
- gun spread from turning was increased by 50 percent
- viewrange nerfed to 380
- autoloader reloads 10 seconds longer
- aim time increased by 10 percent
- new stock engine
- 10阶
- 新白板悬挂
- 第二悬挂通过能力下降
- 转动能力加强
- 移动扩圈加大50%
- 视野下降至380米
- 自动装填增加10秒
- 瞄准时间增加10%
- 新白板发动机
Object 261
- moved to tier 10
- speed was not nerfed
- new stock suspension
- 2nd suspension has better passability in bad terrain
- influence of turning on spread increased by 50 percent
- hull turn rate buffed to 24
- view range buffed to 390
- reload time increased from 29,7 to 35
- 10阶
- 速度不变
- 新白板悬挂
- 第二悬挂在恶劣地形通过能力加强
- 移动扩圈加大50%
- 车身转动能力加强至24度
- 视野增强至390米
- 装弹时间从29.7秒增加至35秒
GW Tiger
- terrain passability slightly buffed
- turnrate buffed by 2 degrees on both suspensions
- spread from rotation increased 2 times
- viewrange buffed by 10 meters
- 210mm accuracy nerfed by 1/3, reload time nerfed by 20 percent
- 通过能力加强
- 2个悬挂的车身转动能力都加强2度
- 移动扩圈加大100%
- 视野增强10米
- 210mm炮精度下降3分之1,装弹时间增加20%
Ammunition changes:
150mm Gr.39 HE (for example Bison) - damage from 300 to 450 (HEAT stays at 300)
150mm Sprg. L. erz. (Bison) - damage from 200 to 350 (HEAT stays at 200)
122mm OF420SO (current SU-26) - damage from 270 to 420
122mm OF420SOMSH (current SU-26) - damage from 150-300
152mm 52OF500 (SU-5) - damage from 360 to 450
Other shells have not been touched for now.
150mm Gr.39 HE (野牛) - 伤害从300加至450 (HEAT不变)
150mm Sprg. L. erz. (野牛) - 伤害从200加至350 (HEAT不变)
122mm OF420SO (SU-26) - 伤害从270加至420
122mm OF420SOMSH (SU-26) - 伤害从150加至300
152mm 52OF500 (SU-5) - 伤害从360加至450
- gets kicked from T6 to T7
- top speed limited to 46km/h
- stock suspension turnrate reduced from 26 to 24, 2nd suspension turnrate reduced from 28 to 26
- gun spread caused by turning increased for both suspensions
- loading time and gun accuracy nerfed
- stock engine was removed
- 7阶
- 极速降为46公里/小时
- 白板悬挂转速从26降为24,第二条悬挂转速从28降为26
- 旋转扩圈增加
- 装弹和精度下降
- 白板发动机移除
Lorraine 155 50
- hitpoints slightly improved
- moved one tier up
- terrain passability nerfed
- gun spread from turning increased
- turnrate improved for both suspensions
- ROF nerfed
- radios reworked
洛林 15550
- 血量少量增加
- 7阶
- 悬挂通过能力下降
- 移动扩圈加大
- 转速加快
- 射速下降
- 通讯电台重做
- speed nerfed (by 2km/h)
- more HP
- moved one tier higher
- both suspensions got terrain passability nerfed
- both suspensions: more gun spread from turning
- followed by SU-14 for 146k XP
- gun traverse nerfed from 6 to 4
- stock gun now has twice as much ammo and a bit better reload time
- B-4 has 25 percent higher reload time, spread and aim time increased (nerfed) by 50 percent
- 速度下降2公里/小时
- 血量增加
- 6阶
- 悬挂通过能力下降
- 移动扩圈加大
- 升级去SU-14要14.6万经验
- 射界从6度下降为4度
- 白板炮载弹量加倍,射速下降
- B-4增加25%的上弹时间,精度和瞄准时间削弱50%
US M12
- mover one tier up
- maximum speed nerfed
- the suspension spread nerf is apparently planned
- 升1阶
- 极速下降
- 移动扩圈加大
- moved one tier up
- agility and mobility buffed
- armor was apparently made historical
- 升1阶
- 机动能力下降
- 装甲还原史实
- guns weren't touched at all
- mobility nerfed a bit
- 炮没变
- 机动能力下降
- moved to tier 10
- buffed turned rate
- engines were reworked
- maximum speed was nerfed
- 10阶
- 转动能力加强
- 发动机重做
- 极速下降
Batchat 155
- moved to tier 10
- added new stock suspension
- 2nd suspension had its terrain passability nerfed a bit
- turnrate was buffed
- gun spread from turning was increased by 50 percent
- viewrange nerfed to 380
- autoloader reloads 10 seconds longer
- aim time increased by 10 percent
- new stock engine
- 10阶
- 新白板悬挂
- 第二悬挂通过能力下降
- 转动能力加强
- 移动扩圈加大50%
- 视野下降至380米
- 自动装填增加10秒
- 瞄准时间增加10%
- 新白板发动机
Object 261
- moved to tier 10
- speed was not nerfed
- new stock suspension
- 2nd suspension has better passability in bad terrain
- influence of turning on spread increased by 50 percent
- hull turn rate buffed to 24
- view range buffed to 390
- reload time increased from 29,7 to 35
- 10阶
- 速度不变
- 新白板悬挂
- 第二悬挂在恶劣地形通过能力加强
- 移动扩圈加大50%
- 车身转动能力加强至24度
- 视野增强至390米
- 装弹时间从29.7秒增加至35秒
GW Tiger
- terrain passability slightly buffed
- turnrate buffed by 2 degrees on both suspensions
- spread from rotation increased 2 times
- viewrange buffed by 10 meters
- 210mm accuracy nerfed by 1/3, reload time nerfed by 20 percent
- 通过能力加强
- 2个悬挂的车身转动能力都加强2度
- 移动扩圈加大100%
- 视野增强10米
- 210mm炮精度下降3分之1,装弹时间增加20%
Ammunition changes:
150mm Gr.39 HE (for example Bison) - damage from 300 to 450 (HEAT stays at 300)
150mm Sprg. L. erz. (Bison) - damage from 200 to 350 (HEAT stays at 200)
122mm OF420SO (current SU-26) - damage from 270 to 420
122mm OF420SOMSH (current SU-26) - damage from 150-300
152mm 52OF500 (SU-5) - damage from 360 to 450
Other shells have not been touched for now.
150mm Gr.39 HE (野牛) - 伤害从300加至450 (HEAT不变)
150mm Sprg. L. erz. (野牛) - 伤害从200加至350 (HEAT不变)
122mm OF420SO (SU-26) - 伤害从270加至420
122mm OF420SOMSH (SU-26) - 伤害从150加至300
152mm 52OF500 (SU-5) - 伤害从360加至450