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好东西大家一起分享 (图片来自网上)
第一章 Trees&Flowers
Almost unmistakable,with its swollen trunk and root-like branches.Some specimenshave trunks measuring 9m or more in diameter reaching a height of up to 18m. Duringthe dry season they bear no leaves but at the onset of the rains they develop a dense canopy. they bear white flowers about 15cm wide and develop oblong, woody fruitsup to 30cm in length. the structure of the trunk is fibrous and holds a certain amount of water when no surface water is available . At these times Elephants often inflict considerable damage in search of moisture as relief from the drought conditions.

1楼2013-05-14 20:24回复
    Yellow Barked Acacia /Fever Tree
    A reasonably common species easily recognised by its yellow / green bark colour. Itis usually to be found along the banks of rivers and streams and in areas of damp, marshy ground. Early explorers to the region associated the tree with their developing 'fever ', hence the name. In fact the 'fever ' was due to malaria transmitted by mosquitoes that principally inhabit the damp areas favoured by this tree.

    2楼2013-05-14 20:41

      3楼2013-05-14 21:46
        Flat Topped Acacia
        There are some 1200 species of acacia distributed across the tropical and warm temperate regions of the world. The Flat Topped Acacia is a familiar sight in grasslandareas of East Africa, it's spreading canopy providing shade for many savannah animals.

        4楼2013-05-14 22:13

          5楼2013-05-14 22:28

            IP属地:安徽8楼2013-05-14 23:19

              来自iPhone客户端9楼2013-05-14 23:30

                IP属地:辽宁10楼2013-05-15 00:32
                  有事在外 明天来更

                  来自iPhone客户端11楼2013-05-15 20:48

                    Black Rhinoceros
                    A relic of prehistoric times the rhinoceros is almost unmistakable. The Black Rhino is distinguished from the slightly larger White Rhino, by the narrow mouth and prehensile upper lip. The head is large and carries two horns, the large front horn measuring on average 60cm although individuals with front horn over twice that length have been recorded . The ears are oval and tipped with tufts of dark hair. The eyes are small and the eyesight poor, but the senses of smell and hearing are very acute. The huge body is covered with a thick hide of grey skin, although due to the rhino’s predilection for wallowing in mud, their coloration can appear very variable. The tail is short and tipped with stiff hairs. In spite of their bulk the Black Rhino is very maneuverable and capable of a top speed of 50km/h.

                    12楼2013-05-16 14:37

                      White Rhinoceros
                      The white rhino is the world’s second largest land mammal-the Elephant being the largest. The animal is name has nothing whatever to do with colour, but is a corruption of the Afrikaans word ‘weit’ and refers to ‘wide ’ and refers to the shape of the mouth, this being the most obvious difference between the two African species. Far bigger and heavier than the Black Rhino the head is large , square-shaped and carries two horns. The front horn is the large of the two , averaging 60cm in length, the rear horn is shorter and thicker. The ears are large and oval is shape, the eyes are small and the eyesight is rather poor. The huge body is covered with a thick hide of pale grey skin. The tail is short, terminating with stiff hairs.

                      13楼2013-05-16 14:38

                        14楼2013-05-16 17:29

                          来自Android客户端15楼2013-05-17 13:45