再来吐槽一些别的吧 SS: the meaning of this table is - first column are the parts of the aiming circle, with the last line being its border. Other columns are: Old system (how it is now), 2-sigma and New system (0.8.6+). In other words, right now, you have a 19,36 percent chance of the shell going on the borders of your aim circle, in the new system, you will have only 0,27 percent chance of aiming for the aim circle edges. Another example: today, you have 48,43 percent chance of your shell going to the inner half of the circle, in 0.8.6 it will be 70,41 percent. SS:这个表是设么意思呢第一栏是瞄准圈部分,最后一行是其边界,大家可以看看修改之后,只有0.27%的可能让你的炮弹打到圈子边缘,这是一个很大的进步,换言之,现在你命中目标的可能性是48.43的话,你在8.6的几率会在70.41,这下大家会看这个表了吧!或者懒得看的话,大家只要记住一句话,下个版本所有的炮都变准了很多!