录音及声音处理软件,使用专利处理技术可以补偿保真度损失,通过对精细的相位和振幅失真的调整来提高声音质量。 The BBE Sonic Maxmizer uses a patented process that compensates for fidelity loss and improves sound quality by correcting the subtle phase and amplitude distortions that happen when sound is reproduced by speakers. The result is improved audio with added sparkle, punch, and life. It an easy and effective way to improve any audio material. Guitars, keyboards, vocals, stringed instruments, and even drums come to life with the Sonic Maximizer.
录音及声音处理软件,使用专利处理技术可以补偿保真度损失,通过对精细的相位和振幅失真的调整来提高声音质量。 The BBE Sonic Maxmizer uses a patented process that compensates for fidelity loss and improves sound quality by correcting the subtle phase and amplitude distortions that happen when sound is reproduced by speakers. The result is improved audio with added sparkle, punch, and life. It an easy and effective way to improve any audio material. Guitars, keyboards, vocals, stringed instruments, and even drums come to life with the Sonic Maximizer.