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【感想】外站小漂白cp圈 葛一repo


一楼吼一声 葛一才不是冷cp!!

IP属地:江苏1楼2013-06-30 00:01回复
    没资源只好苦逼的去英站扒 呆了段时间 有那么点小感想~
    1. 虽然我觉得最热的时候过去了 不过漂白圈子基本没冷下来

    IP属地:江苏2楼2013-06-30 00:04
      2. 虽然国内贴吧论坛的姑娘们也很努力··· 但看看其他cp 总有种葛一是二等公民的感觉··· 于是去外站扒资源 发现Grimmichi原来是热门时 有一种非常奇妙的 “阿 我竟然也能站对队”的感觉···

      IP属地:江苏3楼2013-06-30 00:06
        3. 具体有多热门呢~ 今天搜资源的时候 搜到urban dictionary 都有词条~ 把词条po上来大家看看玩~
        Grimmichi is a yaoi pairing from the anime/manga series, Bleach. Grimmichi is a shortened name for grimmjowxichigo. Usually in grimmichi fanfiction or doujinshiGrimmjow is the seme while Ichigo is the uke. Though there are a FEW that have it the other way around. *cough*itmakesmoresensewithgrimmyastheseme*cough*
        A:"I wth there was more grimmichi doujinshi avalible for download!"
        B:"I know, but Im sure if we look enough we can find some!"
        A:"Maybe someone will be selling some at the next anime convetion"
        B:"Seems like the only way to get oyur hand on ood grimmichi doujin's tese days."
        A:"Indeed, and it sucks."buy grimmichi mugs & shirts
        我想说 总结的还蛮好的~

        IP属地:江苏4楼2013-06-30 00:10
          4. 原因的话 大概分开来说 就是小葛人气很高 草莓人气也很高 具体分析的话 就是葛一果然是戳中了大家的萌点阿~~~~ (至于为啥国内这么冷别问我···
          同人的话作品很多 有人感兴趣我会过来八~

          IP属地:江苏5楼2013-06-30 00:14