阿甘正传,海上钢琴师,源代码,盗梦空间,三傻,霸王别姬,放牛班的春天。好多 ——【You then outstanding will be dismissive of you you bear will be someone you have loved lifeSo fast hardware do not get Joseph abjection not fallen.】 ——【你再优秀也会有人对你不屑一顾,你再不堪也会有人把你视若生命。所以,牛逼时不要得瑟,落魄时不要堕落。】
楼主任庄子的? ——【You then outstanding will be dismissive of you you bear will be someone you have loved lifeSo fast hardware do not get Joseph abjection not fallen.】 ——【你再优秀也会有人对你不屑一顾,你再不堪也会有人把你视若生命。所以,牛逼时不要得瑟,落魄时不要堕落。】