(注:2013圣地亚哥动漫展 《Falling skies》主创见面时间将在美国时间7月19日,北京时间7月20日)
After flying in from Japan, @connorjessup is either resting soundly on my couch or dead. On the road to Comic con
从日本飞到美国,connor jessup 在我的沙发上死睡。 出发#圣地亚哥动漫展#

To continue our day of the Mason's, we just pulled up last nights ep of Conan to watch "Dad". Well done Noah.

He's at it again! @connorjessup was bragging that after his 12 hour hibernation, jet-lag couldn't take him down.
他又来勒!Connor jessup一直在吹嘘自己冬眠了12个小时之后,时差不会把他撂倒。

After flying in from Japan, @connorjessup is either resting soundly on my couch or dead. On the road to Comic con
从日本飞到美国,connor jessup 在我的沙发上死睡。 出发#圣地亚哥动漫展#

To continue our day of the Mason's, we just pulled up last nights ep of Conan to watch "Dad". Well done Noah.

He's at it again! @connorjessup was bragging that after his 12 hour hibernation, jet-lag couldn't take him down.
他又来勒!Connor jessup一直在吹嘘自己冬眠了12个小时之后,时差不会把他撂倒。