扮演Maggie的演员Sarah Carter在推特上回答粉丝提问表示,Maggie杀Karen并没有在剧本里,是自己临场的一种想法和冲动,她不想站在那里看着自己的男人被她勾【百度】引。
Remi: What I love about my job is watching actors take things you write and interpret it. It was very close to the moment that I wanted for sure, but what Sarah Carter, who plays Maggie does with that moment, there’s so many things going on in her face that I would have had to write 30 pages to get all of that in. It’s so complicated in that look of helplessness on Hal’s face. It’s just a beautiful moment.

Remi: What I love about my job is watching actors take things you write and interpret it. It was very close to the moment that I wanted for sure, but what Sarah Carter, who plays Maggie does with that moment, there’s so many things going on in her face that I would have had to write 30 pages to get all of that in. It’s so complicated in that look of helplessness on Hal’s face. It’s just a beautiful moment.