这首歌我是这样理解的:A被B跟踪,被B纠缠。A一开始讨厌B,但慢慢的被B攻陷。没想到B还有一个C(不知道是什么时候追的),而B也对A厌了,决定要和A断了关系。看得出来A不想和B分开,可是“Hope you don't go backwards 'cause i'm going on ahead
And one day you'll wish you had stuck with me instead ”这些词又会矛盾,照我的推断应该是气话或者反话?诶,不是自己写的始终读不透。
In my clumsy attempt to describe your music, using the word “poetic,”
I was after that kind of thing—those multiple meanings in almost all of your
songs. I was listening to Rob Me Blind thinking about each song, “Man,
this could be interpreted in a LOT of ways!”
JB说“[Laughs] I love it! Double entendres are my favorite thing in the world! [Laughs] Lyrically, they’re one of my favorite devices.”(我爱死这样的感觉了!双关语是这世上最有意思的东西!抒情通常都是我写歌时必不可少的套路。)
因此,我不敢确定。而且有时候别人想的也不一定就是他想的这样,他也说了“sometimes people ask me, “What do you mean when you say this lyric?” And I’m
always like, I mean… I know what it means for me, but maybe it could mean more
than one thing! I like the idea of things not always being obvious.”(有时候会有人问我:‘你写这些词的时候究竟想表达什么?’而我就好像,我是说……我有自己(对这些词)的看法,但也许它的意思不应该被格式化!我喜欢事情不会一直局限于它的表象。”)