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Graviton was a physicist, named Franklin Hall, who was involved in an experiment in a private research facility in the Canadian Rockies. A mistake in Hall's calculations causes graviton particles to merge with his own molecules, and Hall later discovers that he can mentally control gravity.I

IP属地:北京1楼2013-10-09 20:05回复
    Franklin Hall was born far North in Alberta, Canada. He excelled at school his entire life, especially showing promise in the sciences. He eventually became a lead scientist, considered by many to be the most brilliant, at a small private physics research institute in the Canadian Rockies. During an experiment on particle acceleration, Hall attempted to align a particular set of graviton matrices and induce a teleportation effect. All he succeeded in doing however was overloading the power thresholds on his equipment. The resulting explosion destroyed Hall's equipment along with two neighboring particle accelerators. The mixture of these explosions resulted in an atomic flurry that intermingled Hall's molecules with sub-nuclear graviton particles eventually granting him the power to mentally manipulate gravity. Franklin, at first, hid this power from the world. Thinking that outsiders would view him as a freak, he attempted his best to mask his immense superhuman ability. However, it wasn't long at all before his will broke and Hall was using his gravitational abilities to gain whatever he wanted. Much to his joy, people began to fear him, and being a man of drive and resource he quickly fashioned himself an elaborate costume and took on the name Graviton.I

    IP属地:北京2楼2013-10-09 20:06
      Mayor Story Arcs
      Versus the Avengers
      Taking complete control of the research lab he once worked for, Graviton began working to develop new ways to improve his vast power. Nothing went wrong until a former colleague of Hall's, a young man by the name of Joe, sent an emergency distress call to The Avengers. They quickly arrived on the scene, but by the time they had Graviton had lifted the entire facility several thousand feet from the ground and threatened to make an example of Joe by crushing his skeleton under his own body mass. The Avengers quickly fell to Graviton's immense abilities leaving only Iron Man and Thor to do battle with him. They tricked Graviton into believing that his love interest had killed herself after discovering Hall's evil ways and the resulting rage from Graviton forced the building in on itself. The entirety of the complex collapsed inward into a giant ball that Thor quickly hurled into the Hudson river. Graviton survived the ordeal but was temporarily turned into a giant with black-hole powers who battled the Thing and Black Bolt. After dispersing his excess mass, it took him quite sometime to rebuild the city he now calls sky island. Graviton returned and held a department store full of people hostage by levitating it above a skyscraper, but he was again defeated by the Avengers and was exiled in space by Thor. Hall returned once again and tried to assemble all the criminals under his leadership, but his plot failed when he was stopped by the Avengers West Coast. Acts of Vengeance During the Acts of Vengeance, the Kingpin hired Graviton to defeat Spider-Man, but he was defeated by him when he was still possessed by Captain Universe. Against the Thunderbolts When Hall attacked the Avengers Mansion, Vision merged with him and Graviton was sent into another dimension, where he was revered as a god. He soon grew tired of the inhabitants' minute intelligence and wanted to leave to his own reality. So he build a beacon that may somehow be detected from the other side. The signal was picked up by Fixer, who was working for Baron Helmut Zemo. Fixer used a robotic version of the Hulk to bring back Graviton to his own reality, at the command of Zemo. When he returned, he battled the Thunderbolts and the Lightning Rods (Great Lakes Initiative), but was convinced by Moonstone that his power is worth nothing if he had no purpose. Graviton returned and battled the Thunderbolts and with the help of Angel, he was defeated and returned back to the alternate dimension. Graviton re-enters Earth's dimension for one final time, and after battling the Avenger Iron Man, he decides to end his own life. More recently he was shown to be a member of the Hood's crime syndicate, although the mysterious circumstances of his reappearance or anything further regarding his current status has yet to be revealed.I

      IP属地:北京本楼含有高级字体3楼2013-10-09 20:06
        您这是干啥。。。。。。。ac ac..

        来自Android客户端5楼2013-10-10 02:05