无尽之剑吧 关注:24,302贴子:133,576
  • 9回复贴,共1




1楼2013-10-12 17:34回复
    Type Value Sells at:
    Round - Stat Gems
    Attack - Capped/Rare 200/250
    Attack - Indoor/Outdoor 375
    Health - Capped/Rare 50/60
    Health - Indoor/Outdoor 87
    Magic - Capped/Rare 200/250
    Magic - Indoor/Outdoor 375
    Shield - Capped/Rare 60/75
    Shield - Indoor/Outdoor 120
    Diamond - Perk Gems
    Drop Gems % 525%
    Drop Gold Bags % 400%
    Drop Items % 525%
    Drop Weapons % 525%
    Hexagon - Bonus Gems
    Gold % 37%
    XP % 125%
    Rare Item Drop + % 25%
    Shield on Magic 125
    On Magic Get Health 2500
    On Get Hit % Magic Charge 10%
    On Get Hit % Super Charge 10%
    Square - Attack (Elemental)
    Bright - Capped/Rare 400/500
    Dark - Capped/Rare 400/500
    Fire - Capped/Rare 400/500
    Ice - Capped/Rare 400/500
    Poison - Capped/Rare 400/500
    Shock - Capped/Rare 400/500
    Water - Capped/Rare 400/500
    Wind - Capped/Rare 400/500
    Indoor/Outdoor versions 750
    Square - Attack Charge
    On Block Attack Charge + ?
    On Dodge Attack Charge + ?
    On Parry Attack Charge + ?
    On Slash Attack Charge + 700
    On Stab Attack Charge + 700
    Triangle - Combat
    On Block Damage Titan 625
    On Mega Hit Damage Titan ?
    On Parry Damage Titan 1000
    On Perfect Block Damage Titan 1000
    On Perfect Parry Damage Titan 6250
    On Break, Break Window +3
    Triangle - Health
    On Block Get Health 375
    On Bonus Combo Get Health ?
    On Break Get Health ?
    On Combo Get Health 250
    On Finishing Hit Get Health ?
    On Hit Get Health 250
    On Mega Hit Get Health ?
    On Parry Get Health 375
    On Perfect Block Get Health 500
    On Perfect Parry Get Health 3125
    On Scratch Get Health 375
    Triangle - Gold
    On Bonus Combo Get Gold ?
    On Finishing Hit Get Gold ?
    On Mega Hit Get Gold ?
    Triangle - Magic/Super Charge %
    On Bonus Combo Get % Magic Charge (Gold) 10%
    On Bonus Combo Get % Super Charge (Red) 10%
    On Break Get % Super Charge (Red) 7%
    On Mega Hit Get % Magic Charge (Gold) 10%
    Triangle - Shield
    On Combo Get Shield 25
    On Bonus Combo Get Shield 25
    Triangle - XP
    On Bonus Combo Get XP ?
    On Finishing Hit Get XP ?
    On Mega Hit Get XP ?
    Light Class
    On 4-Hit Combo Get Gold 125
    On 5-Hit Combo Get Health 2500
    On Parry Attack Charge + 375
    Titan Speed 80%
    Dual Class
    On Dodge Attack Charge + 375
    On Magic Get XP 1250
    On Parry Get XP 250
    On Stab Get Gold 125
    Heavy Class
    On Block Attack Charge + 750
    On Block Damage 1000
    On Perfect Block Damage 1500
    On Slash Get Gold 125
    On Slash Get Health 1000
    On Slash Get XP 250
    NOTE: Gems that you don't see listed here may be listed in the next post...

    2楼2013-10-12 17:35
      In the words of user vikram:
      1 Blue Berries + 1 Green Cactus + 1 Red Flowers + 1 Yellow Cocoon + 1 Rare Bulb = Rare Elemental Defense Potion (Rainbow Defense)
      3 Green Cactus + 2 Red Flowers + 1 Yellow Cocoon + 2 Blue Berries = Bonus Titan Break Potion or Rare Dodge Potion
      1 Red Flower + 1 Red Mushroom = Slash Attack Potion
      4 Green Reeds + 1 Yellow Bones = Combat Damage Potion
      10 Yellow Cocoon = Rare Shield Potion
      10 Red Flowers = Bonus Titan Break Potion
      1 Blue Berries + 1 Green Cactus + 1 Red Flowers + 1 Yellow Cocoon + 1 Rare Root = Stab Attack Potion
      8 Green Cactus + 2 Green Reed = Combat Gold Potion
      1 Blue Butterfly + 1 Green Reed + 1 Red Mushroom + 1 Yellow Bones + 1 Rare Root = Attack Charge Potion
      10 Yellow Cocoon = Rare Treasure Potion
      2 Blue Berries + 2 Blue Butterflies = Rare Health Potion (note: this seems to be a predictable recipe, and incredibly useful — 250 health/sec!)
      10 Rare Root = +500 Darkfire Gem (Spectrum attack)
      5 Red Mushroom = Rare Block All Potion or Attack Stat Potion
      9 Blue Berries + 1 Rare Root = Rare Health
      This is a pretty useful guide, I take no credit for it though I

      3楼2013-10-12 17:37
        回复 黑人大哥123 : 好帖马一个
        ——来自 爱贴吧 Windows Phone 客户端

        IP属地:北京来自WindowsPhone客户端6楼2013-10-13 13:57

          IP属地:上海8楼2013-10-13 17:49

            9楼2013-10-16 09:33

              11楼2013-10-29 16:41
                这样好贴 居然无尽3没有

                IP属地:福建来自iPhone客户端12楼2013-11-07 07:14