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ATC2 Haneda ATC Transcript


一楼喂@lossviva @御坂01688 @天国天时

IP属地:北京1楼2013-11-15 23:13回复
    P=Pilot A=Approach T=Tower G=Ground DL=Delivery DP=Departure
    P: Tokyo Approach, JAL1906, passing OSHIMA, leaving flight level 130 to 10000, information B.
    A: JAL 1906, Tokyo Approach, radar contact, after passing WESTN heading 055, intercept ONJUKU 298, descend and maintain 6000, report start left turn.
    P: After passing WESTN heading 055, intercept ONJUKU 298, descend and maintain 6000, report start left turn, JAL1906.
    P: Approach, JAL1906, start left turn.
    A: JAL1906, cleared for ILS number 1 runway 34L approach, contact tower 118.1.
    P: Cleared for ILS runway 34L approach, contact tower, JAL1906.
    P: Tokyo Tower, JAL1906, 6000.
    T: JAL1906, runway 34L, cleared to land, wind 30 at 11.
    P: Runway 34L, cleared to land, JAL1906.
    T: JAL1906, turn right A8, contact ground 118.2.
    P: Turn right A8, contact ground, JAL1906.
    P: Tokyo ground, JAL1906, request taxi.
    G: JAL1906, taxi to Spot 18 via W7, I-TXY.
    P: Taxi to Spot18 via W7, I-TXY, JAL 1906.
    P: Tokyo Delivery, SKY9, Spot 9, request clearance to FUKUOKA Airport, flight level 300.
    DL: SKY9, cleared to FUKUOKA Airport via ZAMA SEVEN DEPARTURE, flight planned route, maintain flight level 300, squawk3793, read back.
    P: Cleared to FUKUOKA Airport via ZAMA SEVEN DEPARTURE, flight planned route, maintain flight level 300, squawk 3793, SKY9.
    DL: SKY9, read back is correct, report when ready for push back, contact Ground 118.2.
    P: Contact Ground, report when ready for push back, SKY9.
    P: Tokyo Ground, SKY9, Spot 9, request push back.
    G: SKY9, push back approved runway 34R, heading south, QNH 3000.
    P: Push back approved runway 34R, heading south, QNH 3000, SKY9.
    P: Ground, SKY9, request taxi.
    G: SKY9, taxi to runway 34R via I-TXY, J3, E4.
    P: Taxi to runway 34R via I-TXY, J3, E4, SKY9.
    G: SKY9, contact tower 118.1.
    P: Contact tower, SKY9.
    P: Tower, SKY9, on your frequency.
    T: SKY9, taxi into position and hold.
    P: Taxi into position and hold, SKY9.
    T: SKY9, wind 30 at 11, runway 34R, cleared for take-off.
    P: Runway 34R, cleared for take-off, SKY9.
    T: SKY9, contact Departure 120.8.
    P: Contact Departure, SKY9, good day.
    T: Good day.
    P: Tokyo Departure, SKY9, airborne, leaving1200 for flight level 300.
    DP: SKY9, Tokyo Departure, cross ZAMA 10000, until further advise.
    P: Cross ZAMA 10000, until further advise, SKY9.
    DP: SKY9, contact Tokyo Control 120.5.
    P: Contact Tokyo Control, SKY9, good day.

    IP属地:北京本楼含有高级字体3楼2013-11-15 23:18