暗恋那些事儿吧 关注:1,322贴子:6,726



77. 他日,泉涸,鱼相与处于陆,相吻以湿, 相濡以沫,不如相忘于江湖。 度娘:Future, spring up, and in the land of fish, kiss to wet, to each other, as in a river.【未来,春来了,在鱼的土地,以湿 吻,给对方,如在河。】 谷哥:Future, springs dry up, the fish in t he land phase, wet kiss, each other, than forget themselves in rivers and lakes.【 未来,泉水干涸,鱼在陆地阶段,湿吻, 相濡以沫,不如相忘于江湖。】

来自Android客户端83楼2014-03-30 20:21
    78. 姑娘,您欲擒故纵的小把戏怎么能玩儿的呢 么清醒脱俗,美人心计都比不上您心思缜密, 矫情能矫到不留痕迹还能达到您想要的效 果,我可真是佩服的五体投地阿 度娘:Girl, how can you at large the bett er to apprehend him trick play sosober a nd refined, scheming beauty than you ca n straighten thethoughtful, hypocritical t o leave no trace can achieve the effect yo u want,I really admire extremely admire 【女孩,你怎么能欲擒故纵的特技播放这 么清醒和精制,美人心计比你可以理顺周 到,不留痕迹虚伪的可以达到你想要的效 果,我真的很佩服的五体投地】 谷哥:Girl, you are playing hard little tric k how it can play it sober and refined, scheming beauty that you are not as carefu l thought, hypocritical can also leave no t race correction to achieve the effect you want, I really admire the five-body cast A 【女孩,你是欲擒故纵的小把戏,他们如 何能够发挥它的清醒和精致,美人心计, 你是不是认真思考,虚伪也可以不留痕迹 的校正,以达到你想要的效果,我真的很 佩服的五体投地一】

    来自Android客户端84楼2014-03-31 06:13
      79. 长得帅有什么用吃饭能当筷子吗买衣服能 当卡刷吗 度娘:Handsome have what use can eat when the chopsticks to buy clothescan br ush when the card【帅有什么用时可以吃 筷子买衣服可以刷卡时】 谷哥:What is the use handsome chopsti cks to eat when you can buy clothes brus h can do when the card【有什么用帅气的 筷子吃饭时,你可以买衣服刷可以当卡】

      来自Android客户端85楼2014-04-01 06:13
        80. 我要自己学会坚强自己学会疗伤自己拥抱 自己抵御着风霜 度娘:I want to learn adamancy learn to heal yourself a hug yourself against thew ind【我要学会坚强学习疗愈自己拥抱自己 对抗风】 谷哥:I want to learn to be strong thems elves learn to heal themselves embrace t heir own against the weathered【我要学 会坚强自己学会自我治疗拥抱自己对风化】

        来自Android客户端86楼2014-04-02 06:13
          82. 说多了都是泪 度娘:That is more than tears【那是泪流 不止】 谷哥:That much is tears【那么多的眼泪 】

          来自Android客户端88楼2014-04-04 06:18
            83. 爱上一个认真的消遣,用一朵花开的时间 度娘:Fall in love with a serious pastime, with a bloom time【爱上一个认真的消遣 ,用一朵花开的时间】 谷哥:Love a serious pastime, with a blo om time【爱上一个认真的消遣,用一朵 花开的时间】

            来自Android客户端89楼2014-04-05 05:54
              84. 时间不一定能证明很多东西但是一定能看透很多东西 度娘:Time does not necessarily prove a lot but must be able to read a lot of thing s【时间不一定会很多,但必须能够阅读很 多东西】 谷哥:Time may not be able to prove a l ot of things but we must be able to see t hrough a lot of things【时间未必能证明很 多东西,但我们必须能够识破了很多东西 】

              来自Android客户端90楼2014-04-06 07:37
                85. 卖萌可耻 度娘:Act loving【法爱】 谷哥:Sell Meng shameful【卖萌可耻】

                来自Android客户端91楼2014-04-07 11:54
                  86. 有一天我要让我的名字成为你们口中的骄傲 度娘:Someday I'm going to let my nam e be proud of your mouth【有一天我会叫 我的嘴巴感到自豪】 谷哥:Someday I want my name to beco me the pride of your mouth【有一天,我 想我的名字成为你的嘴的骄傲】

                  来自Android客户端92楼2014-04-08 06:36
                    87. 吊炸天 度娘:Hanging fried day【挂炸天】 谷哥:Hanging fried days【挂炒天】

                    来自Android客户端93楼2014-04-09 06:08
                      88. 我受到了惊吓 度娘:I was scared【我很害怕】 谷哥:I'm frightened【我很害怕】

                      来自Android客户端94楼2014-04-10 06:16
                        89. 没有物质的爱情就像一盘沙 度娘:No matter the love like a plate of s and【没有物质的爱情像一盘沙】 谷哥:No matter love is like a sand【不 管爱情就像沙子】

                        来自Android客户端95楼2014-04-11 06:03
                          90.我要做自己的英雄我的心不必谁都懂 度娘:I want to be your own hero my he art don't anyone know【我想做你自己的 英雄,我的心,不要任何人知道】 谷哥:I want to be the hero of my own h eart does not have to know anyone【我 想成为我自己的心脏英雄不必知道任何人 】

                          来自Android客户端96楼2014-04-12 06:37
                            91. 时光会让你看清谁是人谁是狗 度娘:Time will let you see who is the pe rson who is the dog【时间会让你知道谁 是谁的狗的人】 谷哥:Time will let you see who is the pe rson who is the dog【时间会让你看看谁 是人谁是狗】

                            来自Android客户端97楼2014-04-13 18:42
                              92. 深井冰 度娘:Deep ice【厚的冰】 谷哥:Deep ice【深冰】

                              来自Android客户端98楼2014-04-14 06:14