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IP属地:贵州1楼2014-01-07 21:53回复
    Friendly reminder that Bilbo probably died shortly after arriving in Valinor, because he was already old and frail and “[humans] would but wither and grow weary the sooner, as moths in a light too strong and steadfast.”

    IP属地:贵州2楼2014-01-07 21:53
      Kindly reminder that it was said in the Silm (“Of Tuor and the Fall of Gondolin”) that Maeglin’s body “as it fell smote the rocky slopes of Amon Gwareth thrice ere it pitched into the flames below”, which means someone stood there and counted.

      IP属地:贵州3楼2014-01-07 21:55
        Friendly reminder that Denethor’s people heard of the peace of Thingol’s realm and came to Beleriand to escape the fell beasts of the North, only to get slaughtered by orcs in the First Battle of Beleriand.
        Friendly reminder that Guilin lost both his sons (Gelmir and Gwindor) to the dark smithies of Angband.
        Friendly reminder that the Dwarves of Nogrod, Belegost, Khazad-dûm, and Erebor all see their homes destroyed and their people slaughtered or driven into exile. Only the last are able to return.
        Friendly reminder that Tolkien fought in the First World War, so the descriptions of piles of corpses and blood being trodden into the dirt in the Nirnaeth Arnoediad, as well as of the waging of an incredibly destructive, seemingly endless and futile war, was from his own direct personal experience.
        Friendly reminder that the last time Fingon saw his brother after 346 years was right before he died

        IP属地:贵州4楼2014-01-07 21:58
          Friendly reminder that Tar Miriel had her throne stolen, her name stolen, and her freedom stolen, and was forced to marry her cousin against her will.
          Friendly reminder that Dior, Elured and Elurin died before they could choose between the fates of Elves and Men.
          Friendly reminder that when Húrin said Lalaith was briefer than Elf-children, he didn’t perceive how brief she would be.
          Friendly reminder that although Galadriel was the first person Celebrimbor went to when he knew he’d been betrayed - he didn’t do anything when she was driven out of Eregion.
          Friendly reminder that Labadal died begging Turin to return with an army and liberate his people. He never did.

          IP属地:贵州5楼2014-01-07 22:05
            Friendly reminder that the Dwarves fought more bravely than Elves or Men in the Nirnaeth Arnoediad, even though the war of the jewels wasn’t their fight, because they honored their obligation to defend the world from Morgoth.
            And their reward was being slaughtered en mass and driven out of Beleriand: some by Beren, the Laiquendi, the Þindar, and possibly some Ents; and some by fear of reprisals from them.
            All because of the actions of a couple of members of their entire species.

            IP属地:贵州6楼2014-01-07 22:06
              Friendly reminder that the peaks of Thangorodrim were the last sight Fëanor ever saw.
              Friendly reminder that Sador returned from the war unhurt and then lost his foot by accident.
              Friendly reminder that Gwindor tried to prevent Túrin from repeating the path of the Union of Maedhros that he had once fiercely supported.
              Friendly reminder that when Fingolfin finally arrived in Beleriand he was probably still hoping to reconcile with his brother, not knowing that Fëanor had already been dead for years at this point and that he wouldn’t see him again until the remaking of Arda itself.
              Friendly reminder that Tolkien abandoned the writing of “The New Shadow” (the sequel to Lord of the Rings) because it was “sinister and depressing”.
              Tolkien thought this was too depressing.

              IP属地:贵州本楼含有高级字体7楼2014-01-07 22:09
                Friendly reminder that out of all the human/elf relationships, Andreth and Aegnor will never meet again after their deaths, but Aegnor’s love for her is so great that he still lingers in the Halls of Mandos and will continue to do so until the end of time.

                Friendly reminder that Túrin names himself Turambar, “master of fate”, because he thinks he’s outrun his fate. Friendly reminder that Melkor calls himself “master of fate” at one point, too.
                Friendly reminder that Fingon died because of Caranthir’s poor judgement.
                Friendly reminder that Beleg Strongbow “truest of friends” died “at the hand of him whom he most loved”…all of which wouldn’t have happened if Turin had listened to Beleg’s advice to return to Doriath in the first place.
                Friendly reminder that Manwë probably still loves Melkor, because Manwë does not deem Melkor irrevocably evil.
                Friendly reminder of things that are often conveniently forgotten: Argon’s existence and his tragic death.

                IP属地:贵州本楼含有高级字体8楼2014-01-07 22:17
                  WHAT IF IN ROTK WHEN ELROND IS LIKE “your hands are cold, the light of the eldar is leaving you” HE HAD FELT THE SAME THING WHEN CELEBRIAN WAS TRYING TO HEAL
                  We just love to give ourselves more pain, don’t we? Ugh. Too much, this is too much.
                  "Elrond Friendly Reminders" should really be a blog in its own right
                  Friendly reminder that Elrond’s brother also chose mortality, so he may have felt it three times…

                  IP属地:贵州9楼2014-01-07 22:17
                    Friendly reminder that Rian left Tuor with strangers and left to die.
                    Friendly reminder that Beleg knew he was risking his life to rescue Túrin. Just not at all in the way he thought.
                    Friendly reminder that the Silmarillion is so bleak in outlook that you really can’t apply Sam’s Speech from the Two Towers to it.
                    Additional friendly reminder that Fingon thought a new day would come, and when the sun shone it would shine out the clearer. And that there was some good in the world worth fighting for. That’s what he thought at the Nirnaeth.

                    IP属地:贵州10楼2014-01-07 22:19
                      Friendly reminder that Aredhel died to save her son only to have him betray and cause the downfall of Gondolin
                      Friendly reminder that Nerdanel begged Fëanor to leave at least one son with her in Aman: Amras, the one Fëanor burned in his ship at Losgar.
                      Friendly reminder that Húrin’s family suffered so much and many other people and societies were trapped in their doom just because Morgoth wanted to punish Húrin for not revealing the location of Gondolin - only for Húrin to accidentally reveal it anyway.
                      Friendly reminder that Finrod knew he was probably going to die when he went with Beren.

                      IP属地:贵州本楼含有高级字体11楼2014-01-07 22:21
                        “Aurë entuluva! Day shall come again!”
                        "Now comes the night".

                        IP属地:贵州本楼含有高级字体13楼2014-01-07 22:34
                          Friendly reminder that Turgon died believing that his friend Húrin had betrayed him.
                          Friendly reminder that the Dragon Helm of Dor Lomin made it’s wearer invincible. Friendly reminder that Maedhros gave it to Fingon before the Nirnaeth. Friendly reminder that Fingon gave it away.
                          Friendly reminder that Gwindor was so disfigured upon returning to Nargothrond that only Finduilas recognized him.
                          Friendly reminder that since Finarfin had the gift of foresight, when he turned back to Aman and let his children continue to Middle-earth, he probably knew that all but one of them were going to die
                          Friendly reminder that little Elrond and Elros saw the court of Sirion slaughtered before their eyes. And they might have been killed too, if Maglor hadn’t taken pity on them.

                          IP属地:贵州14楼2014-01-07 22:44
                            Friendly reminder that the siege of the Last Alliance lasted seven years and ended with Gil-galad getting scorched to death by Sauron’s bare hands; while Elrond and Cirdan watched.

                            IP属地:贵州15楼2014-01-07 22:46
                              Friendly reminder that Fëanor died without ever seeing the sun. (✿◡‿◡)
                              (Anon submission)
                              Lucky, lucky you.
                              It’s just as well, Fëanor. You would have thrown a tantrum if you’d seen a spirit of More Fire Than You.
                              He’d probably pull an Icarus, build wings and fly up to yell at Arien. Except of course he’d know the wax would melt so he’d probably construct something better to avoid plummeting to his death. If he were still alive at that point, that is. (✿◡‿◡)
                              No one suspects the wing clad armored assault feanor with solar powered glow stick swords descending upon them with tantrum like fury.
                              there should probably exist fanart of this just suggesting (◕‿◕✿)
                              I need this like I need the Silmarils.
                              Okay I’m sorry but this got so good I needed to reblog in case anyone missed the gloriousness. We will now return to your regularly scheduled Doom.

                              IP属地:贵州16楼2014-01-07 22:47